Esther Florin, Ph.D.

Esther Florin is now Lichtenberg Assistant Professor at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. For up to data information please visit the following page:

During her time at the MNI she worked in the Dynamic Neuroimaging Laboratory with Sylvain Baillet. Her primary interest is in time series analysis and its application to neural data of healthy humans, epilepsy as well as Parkinson patients. Currently her work focuses on identifying the electrophysiological basis of the fMRI resting state activity in healthy humans and alterations due to Parkinson’s disease.

She holds a M.S. from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York and obtained her PhD at the Research Center Juelich, Germany, working on Granger based causality analysis. She tested the applicability of frequency based multivariate causality measures for physiological data and applied them to local field potentials from Parkinson patients.

Articles in Refereed Journals

E. Florin, M. Watanabe, N.K. Logothetis (2015): The role of sub-second neural events in spontaneous brain activity, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 32: 24–30. pdf

E. Florin, E. Bock, S. Baillet (2014): Targeted Reinforcement of Neural Oscillatory Activity with Real-time Neuroimaging Feedback, NeuroImage, 88:54–60. pdf

D.M. Herz, E. Florin, M.S. Christensen, C. Reck, M.T. Barbe, M.K. Tscheuschler, M. Tittgemeyer, H.R. Siebner, L. Timmermann (2014): Abnormal modulation of effective connectivity between premotor and motor cortex in Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Cortex, 24: 2873–83. pdf

D.M. Herz, H.R. Siebner, O. Hulme, E. Florin, M.S. Christensen, L. Timmermann (2014): Dopamine-dependent non-linear coupling of prefrontal and premotor cortex in Parkinson’s Disease, NeuroImage, 90:15–23. pdf

M.T. Barbe, M. Amarell, A.H. Snijders, E. Florin, E.-L. Quatuor, E. Schönau, G.R. Fink, B.R. Bloem, L.Timmermann (2014): Gait and upper limb variability in Parkinson’s disease patients with and without freezing of gait, Journal of Neurology, 216(2): 330–342. pdf

E. Florin, D. Müller, J. Pfeifer, M.T. Barbe, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Subthalamic stimulation modulates self-estimation of Parkinson patients and induces risk-seeking behavior, Brain, 136(11): 3271–3281. pdf

L.M. Bettray, C. Eggers, E.L. Quatuor, E. Florin, C. Reck, A.K. Pauls, M.T. Barbe, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Discontinuities in slow finger movements in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Neuroscience Letters, 548: 10–14. pdf

E. Florin, H. Salimi Dafsari, C. Reck, M.T. Barbe, K.A.M. Pauls, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Modulation of local field potential power of the subthalamic nucleus during incremental isometric force generation in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Neuroscience, 240: 106–116. pdf

E. Florin, R. Erasmi, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Does increased gamma activity in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease counteract the movement inhibiting beta activity?, Neuroscience, 237: 42–50. pdf

E. Florin, J. Pfeifer (2013): Statistical pitfalls in the comparison of multivariate causality measures for effective causality, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43(2): 131–134. pdf

C. Reck, M.Maarouf, L. Wojtecki, S.J. Groiss, E. Florin, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2012): Clinical Outcome of Subthalamic Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease is Improved by Intraoperative Multiple Trajectories Microelectrode Recording, Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A Central European Neurosurgery, 73(6): 377–86. pdf

D.J. Pedrosa, C. Reck, E. Florin, K.A. Pauls, M. Maarouf, L. Wojtecki, H.S. Dafsari, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2012): Essential tremor and tremor in Parkinson’s disease are associated with distinct ‘tremor clusters’ in the ventral thalamus, Experimental Neurology, 237(2):435–43. pdf

E. Florin, M. Himmel, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2012): Subtype-specific statistical causalities in parkinsonian tremor. Neuroscience, 210: 353–362. pdf

D.M. Herz, M.S. Christensen, C. Reck, E. Florin, M. T. Barbe, C. Stahlhut, K.A.M. Pauls, M. Tittgemeyer, H.R. Siebner, L. Timmermann (2012): Task-specific modulation of effective connectivity during two simple unimanual motor tasks: A 122-channel EEG study. NeuroImage 59(4): 3187–3193. pdf

L. Timmermann, E. Florin (2012): Parkinson’s disease and pathological oscillatory activity: Is the beta band the bad guy? - New lessons learned from low-frequency deep brain stimulation. Experimental Neurology, 233: 123–125. pdf

E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): Reliability of multivariate causality measures for neural data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 198(2): 344–58. pdf

M.T. Barbe, L. Liebhart, M. Runge, J. Deyng, E. Florin, L. Wojtecki, A. Schnitzler, N. Allert, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): Deep brain stimulation of the ventral intermediate nucleus in patients with essential tremor: Stimulation below intercomissural line is more efficient but equally effective as stimulation above. Experimental Neurology, 230(1): 131–137. pdf

C. Reck, M. Himmel, E. Florin, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, L. Wojtecki, A. Schnitzler, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): Coherence analysis of local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus: differences in Parkinsonian rest and postural tremor, European Journal of Neuroscience. 32(7):1202–14. pdf

E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): The effect of filtering on Granger causality derived multivariate causality measures. NeuroImage, 50(2): 577–588. pdf

E. Florin, J. Gross, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): Afferent directionality between subthalamic nucleus and forearm muscles in Parkinson’s patients. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 491–498. pdf

C. Reck, E. Florin, L. Wojtecki, S. Groiss, J. Voges, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2009): Differential distribution of coherence between beta-band subthalamic oscillations and forearm muscles in Parkinson’s disease during isometric contraction. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120: 1601–1609. pdf

C. Reck, E. Florin, L. Wojtecki, H. Krause, S. Groiss, J. Voges, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2009): Characterisation of tremor-associated local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29: 599–612. pdf

E. Florin, C. Reck, L. Burghaus, R. Lehrke, J. Gross, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2008): 10 Hz thalamus stimulation increases tremor activity in the subthalamic nucleus in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119: 2098–103. pdf

L.Timmermann, E. Florin, C. Reck (2007): Pathological cerebral oscillatory activity in Parkinson’s Disease: a critical review on methods, data and hypothesis. Expert Review on Medical Devices, 4(5): 651–661. pdf

E. Florin, H.S. Rangwala, S. Rudin (2007): Method to rotate an endovascular device around the axis of a vessel using an external magnetic field. Medical Physics, 34: 328–33. pdf


E. Florin (2010): Causality measures between neural signals from invasively and non-invasively obtained local field potentials in humans, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich. pdf

E. Florin (2008): Implementation of a magnetic device to rotate a stent, Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken.


E. Florin, S. Baillet (2014): Cross-frequency coupling mechanisms in the ongoing resting-state, Fourth Biennial Conference on Resting State / Brain Connectivity.

E. Florin, S. Baillet (2014): Ubiquitous low-frequency phase during rest and visual stimulation couples to evoked gamma response, 19thInternational Congress on Biomagnetism.

S. Samiee, E. Florin, E. Bock, S. Baillet (2014): A Real-time imaging neurofeedback in MEG, 19thInternational Congress on Biomagnetism.

F.A.C. Azevedo, E. Florin, N.K. Logothetis, G. Keliris: Dynamic changes of BOLD functional connectivity during natural viewing in the awake macaque brain, AREADNE 2014.

E. Florin, D. Vuvan, I. Peretz, S. Baillet (2014): Oscillatory predictors for the detection of near-threshold auditory stimuli, 20th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

E. Florin, S. Baillet (2012): Cross-frequency coupling of ongoing neural oscillations predicts resting-state BOLD fluctuations. 18th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

E. Florin, S. Baillet (2012): MEG imaging reveals phase-amplitude coupling of ongoing neural oscillations in the resting state. 18th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

E. Bock, E. Florin, S. Baillet (2011): Real-time feedback enhances cross-frequency coupling of ongoing brain activity during motor imagery. 17th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

E. Florin, M. Himmel, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): P3 Differential statistical causalities for Parkinsonian tremor indicate subtype-specific pathophysiological mechanisms, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 106.

E. Florin, R. Erasmi, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): P4 Does increased gamma activity compensate the movement inhibiting beta activity in patients with Parkinson’s disease? , Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 106.

E. Florin, H. Salimi Dafsari, M. T. Barbe, C.Reck, K. A. M. Pauls, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): P5 Modulation of local field potential power of the subthalamic nucleus during incremental isometric force generation in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 106–107.

E.-L. Quatuor, E. Florin, L. Timmermann (2011): P6 Adaptive Granger causality measures for multi-trial data – A simulation study, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 107.

K. A. M. Pauls, L. Wojtecki, E. Florin, S. Elben C. Reck, C. Hartmann, G. R. Fink, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, J. Vesper, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2011): P10 Dynamics of pallidal alpha band oscillations during voluntary movement in dystonia: Why does dystonia increase?, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 108–109.

D. M. Herz, M. S. Christensen, C. Reck, E. Florin, M. T. Barbe, C. Stahlhut, M. Tittgemeyer, K. A. M. Pauls, H. R. Siebner, L. Timmermann (2011): P22 Task-dependent modulation of oscillatory neural activity during movements, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 113.

M. T. Barbe, M. Amarell, A. H. Snijders, E. Florin, E. Schönau, G. R. Fink, B. R. Bloem, L. Timmermann (2011): P23 Upper extremity coordination in patients with Parkinson’s disease and objective Freezing of Gait is not significantly impaired in comparison with Parkinson patients without Freezing of Gait, Basal Ganglia, vol.1(2): 113.

E. Florin, R. Erasmi, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): Does increased gamma activity in Parkinson patients compensate the movement inhibiting beta activity?, Society for Neuroscience 40th Annual Meeting.

K. A. M. Pauls, L. Wojtecki, E. Florin, S. Elben C. Reck, C. Hartmann, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, J. Vesper, G. R. Fink, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2010): Suppression of low frequency pallidal oscillations during voluntary movement is reversible in patients with dystonia, Society for Neuroscience 40th Annual Meeting.

E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink and L. Timmermann (2010): Reliability of multivariate causality measures and their application to intraoperatively obtained local field potentials from Parkinsonian patients, Proceedings of Biosignal 2010, July 14–16, Berlin

E. Florin, C. Reck, M. Himmel, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): Causality between nucleus subthalamicus and forearm muscle in Parkinson’s patients, 16th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann: The effect of filtering on Granger causality derived multivariate measures, Neuro-Visionen 5. Bochum, 03.09.2009.

E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2009): The effect of filtering on Granger causality derived multivariate measures, 15th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, vol. 47, Supplement 1, S101.

E. Florin, C. Reck, M. Himmel, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2009): Differential connectivity between subthalamic area and forearm muscle in Parkinson’s patients with tremor, SO Movement Disorder, vol. 24, Supplement 1, S335.

C. Reck, M. Maarouf, L. Wojtecki, S. Groiss, E. Florin, V. Sturm, G. R. Fink, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2009): Value of subthalamic multiple microelectrode recordings and intraoperative stimulation in Parkinsons disease, SO Movement Disorder, vol. 24, Supplement 1, S471.

E. Florin, C. Reck, J. Gross, G. R. Fink, V. Sturm, Lars Timmermann (2008): Differente Kausalitätsbeziehungen zwischen Lokalen Feldpotentialen des Nucleus subthalamicus und der Zona incerta und EMG-Aktivität bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson. Annual Meeting of the German Neurological Society.

E. Florin, J. Gross, G. R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2008): Reliability of multivariate causality measures for neural data, 14th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, vol. 41, Supplement1, S128.

C. Reck, E. Florin, L. Wojtecki, H. Krause, S. Groiss, J. Voges, M. Maarouf, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2008): Spatial mapping of coherence and phase shift between electromyographic activities and local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson’s disease and resting tremor. 14th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, vol. 41, Supplement1, S46.

C. Reck, E. Florin, L. Wojtecki, S. Groiss, J. Voges, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2008): Coherence in the beta frequency band in patients with Parkinson’s disease under isometric contraction. Klinische Neurophysiologie, 39, S79, 131.

C. Reck, E. Florin, J. Gross, S. Ostrowski, H. Krause, S. Groiss, L. Wojtecki, M. Ploner, M. Südmeyer, J. Voges, M. Maarouf, R. Lehrke, H. Treuer, G. R. Fink, V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2007): Räumliche und zeitlich-dynamische Kohärenzanalyse zwischen lokalen Feldpotentialen im Nucleus subthalamicus und Tremor EMG Aktivität bei Patienten mit idiopathischem Morbus Parkinson. Annual Meeting of the German Neurological Society, 34, S2, V400.

E. Florin, C. Reck, J.Gross, S. Ostrowski, H. Krause, S. Groiss, L. Wojtecki, M. Ploner, M. Südmeyer, J. Voges, M. Maarouf, R. Lehrke, H. Treuer, G. R. Fink,V. Sturm, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2007): Efferente und afferente Kausalitätsbeziehungen zwischen lokalen Feldpotentialen im Nucleus ventralis intermedius thalami und EMG-Aktivität bei Patienten mit Multiple Sklerose Tremor. Annual Meeting of the German Neurological Society, 34, S2, V225.