Adding Virtual Tapes to an Amanda Config in a RAIT

The task: say you have 25 virtual tapes already defined in you config and you want to add 35 more for a grand total of 60. Here’s an HowTo.

First modify amanda.conf for the config called (say) vtape

# Comment out tpchanger if it is already define as a rait, eg:
#tpchanger "chg-rait:{chg-disk:/usb1/amanda/vtapes,chg-disk:/usb2/amanda/vtapes}"
# Update the tapecycle
tapecycle 60 tapes
# Comment autolabel to be on the safe side
#autolabel "vtape-%%%"
# Add the chg-disk changer
tpchanger "chg-disk:/usb1/amanda/vtapes"

Create the slots and the labels for the 1st part of the mirror:

~># for i in `seq 26 60`; do su amanda -c "mkdir /usb1/amanda/vtapes/slot$i"; done
~># for i in `seq 26 60`; do su amanda -c "~amanda/sbin/amlabel vtape vtape-$i slot $i"; done
Reading label...
Found an empty tape.
Writing label 'vtape-26'...
Checking label...


Reading label...
Found an empty tape.
Writing label 'vtape-60'...
Checking label...

Next, in amanda.conf modify the tpchanger to point to the second part of the mirror (ie s/vtape-1/vtape-2):

tpchanger "chg-disk:/usb2/amanda/vtapes"

Make the slots, and force (-f) the labeling of the tapes in the 2nd changer with:

~># for i in `seq 26 60`; do su amanda -c "mkdir /usb1/amanda/vtapes/slot$i"; done
~># for i in `seq 26 60`; do su amanda -c "~amanda/sbin/amlabel -f vtape vtape-$i slot $i"; done
Reading label...
Found an empty tape.
Writing label 'vtape-26'...
Checking label...


Reading label...
Found an empty tape.
Writing label 'vtape-60'...
Checking label...

Undo the changes made to amanda.conf. Change back the tpchanger definition to use the changer chg-rait:

tpchanger "chg-rait:{chg-disk:/usb1/amanda/vtapes,chg-disk:/usb2/amanda/vtapes}"

Amanda is now happy:

~># su amanda -c "~amanda/sbin/amcheck vtape"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /export01/holddisk/: 151580 MB disk space available, using 150556
slot {26,26}: volume 'vtape-26'
Will write to volume 'vtape-26' in slot {26,26}.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 1.086 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 1 host checked in 1.183 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.4)