Alberto Jimenez M.Sc.

Office: MNI NeuroImaging Laboratory, room 105
Office Phone: (514) 398-8330, (514) 398-5220

Welcome to my home page. I am currently a staff member at the Brain Imaging Center of the Montreal Neurological Institute. I obtained a B.Sc. degree on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics from the Kossuth Lajos University in Hungary. Later, I received an M.Sc. degree on Computer Science from McGill University, in Montreal.
I sincerely hope that this page and/or the links used here will lead you to the information you desire.

Projects and Responsibilities

Subjects of interest

  1. Parallel Computer Systems and Algorithms; cost-efficiency, programmability, Fault Tolerance, etc.
  2. Knowledge-based systems.
  3. Probability and Signal Processing.

Other very interesting areas

  1. Parallel Distributed Processing
  2. Artificial Intelligence, Brain Modelling, Ergodic Theory
  3. Formal theories, undecidable questions, mechanical theorem proving, algorithmically solvable problems (work of Herbrand, Skolem, J. von Neumman, Godel, Turing, Church, N. Wiener, Chaitin , etc)
  4. Conventional and less-conventional fields of
    Cybernetics (Cyborgs, man-machine symbiotic interactions, etc)
  5. The computer history and evolution to our days.
  6. Un-answered questions about ancient egyptian civilizations.

Favorite Links

Overview of Principia Cybernetica
CLIPS: A tool for building expert systems
Lab pictures
WebCLIPS: A tool for building expert systems

December 2000