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Opening Graphics Windows

This chapter describes the methods to open and close a graphics window, and to configure the various attributes of a given window.

public  Status  G_create_window(
    char           title[],
    int            x_pos,
    int            y_pos,
    int            width,
    int            height,
    Gwindow        *window )

Opens a window with the given title, position, and size. It passes back a window handle for use in most of the BIC Graphics library routines. Returns OK or ERROR.

public  Status  G_delete_window(
    Gwindow   window )

Closes the specified window.

public  void  G_terminate( void )

This function closes all open windows, and frees up graphics memory. It need never be called, but is usually called at the end of a program.

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Fri Feb 17 15:39:43 EST 1995