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Graphics System Information

There are several routines for returning information about the graphics capabilities of the system on which a program is running:

public  BOOLEAN  G_has_rgb_mode()

Returns TRUE if the system supports a Red-Green-Blue (RGB) colour system. Otherwise, the system only supports a colour-mapped mode, and returns FALSE.

public  BOOLEAN  G_has_overlay_planes()

Returns TRUE if the system supports overlay planes.

public  int  G_get_num_overlay_planes()

Returns the maximum number of overlay planes supported by the graphics system.

public  void  G_set_overlay_colour_map(
    Gwindow         window,
    int             index,
    Colour          colour )

Sets the colour of the specified overlay colour map entry of the specified window.

public  int  G_get_monitor_width( void )
public  int  G_get_monitor_height( void )

Returns the number of pixels across the full width or full height of the monitor.

public  Real  G_get_monitor_widths_to_eye( void )

Returns the ratio of the estimated distance to a user's eye to the width of the monitor.

Next: Window Configuration Up: Opening Graphics Windows Previous: Opening Graphics Windows
Fri Feb 17 15:39:43 EST 1995