Recent publications - Elise Levinoff


    Levinoff, E.J., Li, K.Z.H., Murtha, S., & Chertkow, H. (Submitted).  Selective attention impairments in Alzheimer’s disease:  Evidence for dissociable components.  Neuropsychology.    

    Levinoff, E.J., Saumier, D., & Chertkow, H. (In press).  Focussed attention deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment, Brain and Cognition.

    Levinoff, E.J., & Chertkow, H. (2002). The Biological and cognitive effects of estrogen on the aging brain.  Geriatrics and Aging, 5, 41-44. [pdf]

    Levinoff, E.J., Rekkas, P.V., & Murtha, S. (2002).  Clumping distractors around the target facilitates performance on the visual search task in the elderly.  Brain and Cognition, 28, 442-446.  [abstract] [pdf]  


   E.J. Levinoff, D. Tisserand, F.M. van der Veen, W.Backes, & J. Jolles. "Age-related differences in brain activity and the relationship between activation and performance during memory search:  A functional MRI study."   Human Brain Mapping, New York City, New York, U.S.A.:  June 18-22nd, 2003.

    E.J. Levinoff, N. Kabani,, K. Li, & H. Chertkow.  Impaired selective attention deficits correlate with anterior cingulate atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease subjects.  The Human Brain Conference.  Rome, Italy:  October 5 – 10, 2002.

   E.J. Levinoff, D. Saumier, & H. Chertkow. "Focussed attention deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment."  TENNET (Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology), Montreal, Quebec, Canada:  June 22-24, 2002. [pdf]

    E.J. Levinoff, K. Li., N. Kabani, & H. Chertkow.  "Selective attention in patients with Alzheimer's disease and normal elderly controls:  relating structure and function."  Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.:  April 18-21, 2002. [pdf]

    L. Verret, E.J. Levinoff, N. Phillips, L. Babbins, N. Kelner, H. Bergman, & H. Chertkow.  "A cognitive estimation test for memory impaired subjects."  Canadian Colloquium on Dementia, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: October 10-12, 2001. [pdf]

   E.J.  Levinoff, P.V. Rekkas, & S. Murtha.  "Clumping distractors around the target facilitates performance on the visual search task in the elderly."  TENNET (Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology), Montreal, Quebec, Canada: June 21-23, 2001. [pdf]