To read VAXEN optical disks on a linux box: Go to snout (the linux box) in the computer room; often you will have to borrow the monitor from another machine (feeble, perhaps?). Put an od in the drive and turn on the drive and the pc. It is likely that X-windows won't operate with the monitor, so use [alt]-[F1] or [ctrl]-[alt]-[F1] to get a console window and login as console - no password required change to the vms directory to read the od in the drive: $> ./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[000000]' This gives a list of everything on the drive. Anything that ends in .DIR is, not surprisingly, a directory. So, to check out the MNI.DIR you would do this: $> ./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[mni]' Then, if you see another directory you wish to view in the MNI.DIR (e.g. RESULTS.DIR), you would do this: $> ./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[mni.results]' I think you get the idea for nested directories... If you are looking for certain files, you can pass this command to grep: $> ./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[mni.results]' | grep keywordhere If you only want to copy one file from the od to the present working directory, invoke this form of the command: $> ./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[mni.results]filename.ext' If you want to copy a group of files matching a certain pattern: $> set files = `./ods-2-rdr -l -n/dev/sda '[mni.results]' | grep keyword` $> echo $files (This lists the files you have 'selected') $> foreach ($files) foreach? echo $file; ./ods-2-rdr -n/dev/sda '[mni.results]'"$file" foreach? end -- If you are starting from scratch, get thee to a linux box with a SCSI card and a functioning C compiler. The source lives in: /home/bic/neelin/ftp/vms/vms_filesystem/ods-2-reader Best to use a low-capacity SCSI optical drive to try and access such antique disks. While you're at it, maybe you should make CDs of this data...