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Type of transformation to be optimized

There are a number of different transformations that can be optimized. Each one is specified by a flag on the command line. This information is used internally to control the number of the parameters that are modified by the optimization algorithm. (Only the resulting transformation matrix is returned in the output .xfm file.) The default is the -procrustes transformation.

The choices are:

return the matrix determined by the principal axes transformation.

return the six parameter registration matrix. the six parameters are translation x,y,z and rotation x,y,z.

return the seven parameter registration matrix. the parameters are translation x,y,z and rotation x,y,z and one global scale.

return the seven parameter registration matrix. the parameters are translation x,y,z and rotation x,y,z and scale x,y,z.

return full 12 parameter transformation. the parameters are translation x,y,z; rotation x,y,z; scale x,y,z and shear x,y,z.

same as -lsq7

The user can also specify whether the forward (from source to model) or inverse (from model to source) transformation should be recovered. These flags are:

Recover forward transformation (source -> model, default).
Recover inverted transformation (model -> source).
Wed Jul 13 15:24:48 EDT 1994