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Other Stuff

Options for mask volumes.

The voxel masks do not have to be voxel-to-voxel matched with the data. The world coordinate system is used to determine if a point from is within the masked area or not.

Specifies a binary mask file for the target. Voxels of the target model that map to zero valued voxels in the mask are masked OUT of the data (these points will NOT participate in the fit).
Specifies a binary mask file for the source.

Interpolation options.

Do trilinear interpolation.
Do tricubic interpolation.
Do nearest neighbour interpolation.

Other flags:

levels of verbose messages, default = 1 (0=quiet, 1=show optimization info 2=show objective function info 3=show fitting summary (of optimization and objective function)).
show debugging information during the run.
Wed Jul 13 15:24:48 EDT 1994