STRUCTURE: Frontal Lobe
PAINTER:   Lisa Koski
DATE:      Began April 1997, will continue with each new addition to my
    behavioural study of patients with frontal-lobe lesions (approximate
    completion date Sept 1998).
SPACE:    Talairach/Native?
VOLUMES:} It's all on my optical disk, koski-1, on the Neuropsychology shelf,
LABELS: } in directories:  frontal_patients_mri (native),
   frontal_patients_mrital(Talairach transformed),
   painted_frontal_lesions (labels).
COMMENTS:  I'm not segmenting brain structures:  I'm colouring in lesions.
    This is for my dissertation research in which I'm administering a
           series of tests of attention to patients with frontal resections.
    I'm simply painting the resected area.  They are patients who had
    surgery for a) intractable epilepsy, b) low grade tumour, c) abscess,     or d) AVM resection. The resections are always unilateral,
           and the MRI report contains no reference to an abnormality outside
           the frontal lobe.
