PET Studies Demonstration

PET Studies Demo


1) Dopamine and Parkinsons Disease

2) Cortical Regions Activated by Pain and Vibration

3) Cortical Regions Activated by Auditory and Olfactory Stimulation

4) Uncoupling of Blood FLow and Oxidative Metabolism During Stimulation of Somatosensory Visual Cortex

5) Functional Activation of the Human Frontal Cortex During the Performance of Verbal Working Memory Tasks

6) Vibrotactile Stimulation

1) Dopamine and Parkinson's Disease

In Parkinson's disease there is a decreased level of dopamine in certain areas of the brain. Figure 1 is a PET study showing the differrence in F-DOPA levels between controls and Parkinson's Disease.

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Figure 1: F-Dopa levels in a control and in a patient with Parkinson's disease.

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Figure 2: Metabolic Aberration of Dopamine in Parkinson's disease.

2) Cortical Regions Activated By Pain and Vibration

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Figure 3: Insert text here

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Figure 4: Insert text here

3) Cortical Regions Activated By Auditory and Olfactory Stimulation

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Figure 5: Insert text here

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Figure 6: Insert text here

4) Uncoupling of Blood Flow and Oxidative Metabolism During Stimulation of Somatosensory Visual Cortex

The mechanisms that couple neuronal activity to blood flow and oxidative metabolism are not yet known. An apparent uncoupling of blood flow from oxygen metabolism during brief phasic stimulation of somatosensory and visual cortex has been demonstrated by several workers. The prediction was that selective visual stimuli may elevate oxidative metabolism in regions of visual cortex with a high content of cytochrome oxidase. To test this prediction, oxygen metabolism and blood flow were measured in normal volunteers after different durations of tonic stimulation. The stimulus was a semi annular reversing contrast checkerboard pattern visible only to the left visual field of the left eye between 5 and 20 degrees of visual angle and at a retinal eccentricity of about 15 degrees (See Figure 7). Oxygen consumption increased significantly in the primary visual cortex after 3-5 minutes and after 8-10 minutes of stimulation (See Figure 8). The result is consistent with a stimulus specific modulation of oxidative metabolism in neurons with a higher than average content of cytochrome oxidase. CBF = cerebral blood flow. CMR = cerebral metabolic rate.

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Figure 7: The semiannular checkerboard stimulus presented to the subjects.

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Figure 8: An example of the PET results showing increased oxygen consumption.

5) Functional Activation of the Human Frontal Cortex During the Performance of Verbal Working Memory Tasks

Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with PET during the performance of verbal memory working tasks. In the first experiment, subjects were asked to generate a sequence of 10 unordered numbers using numbers 1 to 10 without repeating a number. For example, "2,6,4,5,3,1,7,9,8,10" would be such a sequence. This is known as a self-ordered task memory. In the second experiment, the subject was asked to monitor a sequence of 9 numbers from 1 to 10 which were generated by the experimenter. One number was intentionally omitted and the subject was asked to report which number was omitted. This is known as externally ordered task memory. These experiments require the subject to maintain all the numbers that have already been used in working memory.

Examination of the difference in activation between these conditions revealed strong bilateral activation within the mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex during both experimental tasks. There was, however, no evidence of additional activation within the mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex when monitoring self-generated responses as compared with the monitoring of externally generated responses (See Figures 9 and 10). These results provide evidence regarding the role of the mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex in mnemonic processing that are in agreement with recent findings from work with non-human primates.

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Figure 9: Activation of frontal cortex resulting from the patient undergoind a self-ordered task.

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Figure 10: Activation of frontal cortex resulting from the patient undergoind a self-ordered task.

6) Vibrotactile Stimulation

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Figure 11: Insert text here

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Figure 12: Insert text here