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Reading and Writing Character String Values

Character strings are not a primitive netCDF data type, in part because FORTRAN does not support the abstraction of variable-length character strings (the FORTRAN LEN function returns the static length of a character string, not its dynamic length). As a result, a character string cannot be written or read as a single object in the netCDF interface. Instead, a character string must be treated as an array of characters, and hyperslab access must be used to read and write character strings as variable data in netCDF files. Furthermore, variable-length strings are not supported by the netCDF interface except by convention; for example, you may treat a null (zero) byte as terminating a character string, but you must explicitly specify the length of strings to be read from and written to netCDF variables.

Character strings as attribute values are easier to use, since the strings are treated as a single unit for access; no hyperslab access is necessary (or possible) for attributes. However, the value of a character-string attribute is still an array of characters with an explicit length that must be specified when the attribute is defined.

When you define a variable that will have character-string values, use a character-position dimension as the most quickly varying dimension for the variable (the last dimension for the variable in C, the first in FORTRAN). The size of the character-position dimension will be the maximum string length of any value to be stored in the character-string variable. Space for maximum-size strings will be allocated in the disk representation of character-string variables whether you use the space or not. If two or more variables have the same maximum length, the same character-position dimension may be used in defining the variable shapes.

To write a character-string value into a character-string variable, use hyperslab access. This requires that you specify both a corner and a vector of edge lengths. The character-position dimension at the corner should be zero (one for FORTRAN). If the length of the string to be written is n, then the vector of edge lengths will specify n in the character-position dimension, and one for all the other dimensions, i.e., (1, 1, ..., 1, n) or (n, 1, 1, ..., 1) in FORTRAN.

C Interface

In C, fixed-size strings may be written to a netCDF file without the terminating null byte, to save space. Variable-length strings should be written with a terminating null byte so that the intended length of the string can be determined when it is later read.

Here is an example that defines a record variable, tx, for character strings and stores a character-string value into the third record using ncvarput. In this example, we assume the string variable and data are to be added to an existing netCDF file named `foo.nc' that already has an unlimited record dimension time.

#include "netcdf.h"
int  ncid;            /* netCDF ID */
int  chid;            /* dimension ID for char positions */
int  timeid;          /* dimension ID for record dimension */
int  tx_id;           /* variable ID */
#define TDIMS 2       /* dimensionality of tx variable */
int tx_dims[TDIMS];   /* variable shape */
long tx_start[TDIMS];
long tx_count[TDIMS];
static char tx_val[] =
        "example string"; /* string to be put */
ncid = ncopen("foo.nc", NC_WRITE);
ncredef(ncid);       /* enter define mode */
/* define character-position dimension for strings of max length 40 */
chid = ncdimdef(ncid, "chid", 40L);
/* define a character-string variable */
tx_dims[0] = timeid;
tx_dims[1] = chid;    /* character-position dimension last */
tx_id = ncvardef (ncid, "tx", NC_CHAR, TDIMS, tx_dims);
ncendef(ncid);       /* leave define mode */
/* write tx_val into tx netCDF variable in record 3 */
tx_start[0] = 3;      /* record number to write */
tx_start[1] = 0;      /* start at beginning of variable */
tx_count[0] = 1;      /* only write one record */
tx_count[1] = strlen(tx_val) + 1;  /* number of chars to write */
ncvarput(ncid, tx_id, tx_start, tx_count, (void *) tx_val);

FORTRAN Interface

In FORTRAN, fixed-size strings may be written to a netCDF file without a terminating character, to save space. Variable-length strings should follow the C convention of writing strings with a terminating null byte so that the intended length of the string can be determined when it is later read by either C or FORTRAN programs.

The FORTRAN interface for reading and writing strings requires the use of different subroutines for accessing string values and numeric values, because standard FORTRAN does not permit the same formal parameter to be used for both character values and numeric values. An additional argument, specifying the declared length of the character string passed as a value, is required for NCVPTC and NCVGTC. The actual length of the string is specified as the value of the hyperslab edge-length vector corresponding to the character-position dimension.

Here is an example that defines a record variable, tx, for character strings and stores a character-string value into the third record using NCVPTC. In this example, we assume the string variable and data are to be added to an existing netCDF file named `foo.nc' that already has an unlimited record dimension time.

      INCLUDE 'netcdf.inc'
      PARAMETER (TDIMS=2)    ! number of TX dimensions
      PARAMETER (TXLEN = 15) ! length of example string
      INTEGER  CHID          ! char position dimension id
      INTEGER  TIMEID        ! record dimension id
      INTEGER  TXID          ! variable ID
      INTEGER  TXDIMS(TDIMS) ! variable shape
      CHARACTER*40 TXVAL     ! max length 40
      DATA TXVAL /'example string'/
      TXVAL(TXLEN:TXLEN) = CHAR(0)   ! null terminate
      NCID = NCOPN('foo.nc', NCWRITE, RCODE)
      CALL NCREDF(NCID, RCODE) ! enter define mode
* define character-position dimension for strings of max length 40
      CHID = NCDDEF(NCID, "chid", 40, RCODE)
* define a character-string variable
      TXDIMS[1] = CHID   ! character-position dimension first
      TXDIMS[2] = TIMEID
      CALL NCENDF(NCID, RCODE) ! leave define mode
* write txval into tx netCDF variable in record 3
      TSTART[1] = 0      ! start at beginning of variable
      TSTART[2] = 3      ! record number to write
      TCOUNT[1] = TXLEN  ! number of chars to write
      TCOUNT[2] = 1      ! only write one record

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