Sean Marrett - Publications

  • Paus, T. Marrett S, Worsley, K., Evans A.C. Extra-retinal modulation of cerebral blood-flow in the human visual cortex: implications for saccadic suppression. in press Journal of Neurophysiology, November 1995 pg: 2179-2183

  • Worsley K, Marrett S, Neelin P, Evans AC A unified statistical approach for determining significant signals in images of cerebral activation Accepted for publication, Human Brain Mapping (October, 1995)

  • Marrett S, Fujita J, Ribeiro L, Kuwabara H, Meyer E, Evans AC, Gjedde A (1993) Evidence for stimulus-specific changes in oxidative metabolism Quantification of Brain Function: Tracer kinetics and image analysis in brain PET, pp. 217--228 : eds. K. Uemura, N. Lassen, T. Jones, I Kanno

  • Talbot JD, Marrett S, Evans AC, Meyer E, Bushnell MC, Duncan GH (1991) Multiple representations of pain in human cerebral cortex Science 251: 1355-1358

  • Evans AC, Marrett S, Neelin P, Collins L, Worsley K, Dai W, Milot S, Meyer E, Bub D (1992) Anatomical mapping of functional activation in stereotactic coordinate space NeuroImage 1(1): 43--63

  • Worsley KJ, Evans AC, Marrett S, Neelin P (1992) Determining the number of statistically significant areas of activation in subtracted activation studies from PET J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 12(6): 900--918

  • Meyer E, Ferguson S, Zatorre R, Alivisatos B, Marrett S, Evans AC, Hakim AM (1991) Attention modulates somatosensory CBF response to vibrotactile stimulation as measured by PET Ann Neurol 29(4): 440-443

  • Evans AC, Thompson CJ, Marrett S, Meyer E, M Mazza M (1991) Performance characteristics of the PC-2048: A new 15-slice encoded-crystal PET scanner for neurological studies IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 10(1): 90-98

  • Evans AC, Marrett S, Torrescorzo J, Ku S, Collins L (1991) MRI-PET correlative analysis using a volume of interest (VOI) atlas J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 11(2): A69-A78

  • Marrett S, Evans AC, Collins L, Peters TM (1989) A volume of interest (VOI) atlas for analysis of neurophysiological image data Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical and Industrial Engineering (SPIE): Medical Imaging III: 467-477

  • Evans AC, Beil C, Marrett S, Thompson CJ, Hakim AM (1988) Anatomical-functional correlation using an adjustable MRI-based region-of-interest atlas with positron emission tomography J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 8 (4): 513-530

    Sean MARRETT
    Dec 16, 1995 11:51