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New Sample Sets

In order to prepare a sample set for a study, it is necessary to first label and weigh (empty) all of the sample tubes that comprise the set. The tubes should be labelled numerically in increasing order, starting at one. Once the tubes are labelled, they may be weighed using the Preweigh function (select Preweigh and then New from the main menu). The programme will prompt the user with the most likely choice of an identifying letter for the sample set. If this letter is acceptable, click on OK with the mouse. Otherwise, click on Delete to remove the old letter, type a new letter, and then click on OK with the mouse.

Once the letter has been entered, the programme will display the preweigh entry screen (above). The screen is laid out as follows:

  1. The sample list. This list displays the weights of the samples that have been measured.
  2. The current weight. This display shows the weight of the most recently measured sample.
  3. The sample set letter. This display shows the letter code of the current sample set.
  4. The next sample. This display shows the number of the sample that is expected when the NEW SAMPLE button is pressed.
  5. The NEW SAMPLE button. Click on this button with the mouse pointer when you want to measure the next sample.
  6. The DONE button. Click on this button with the mouse pointer when you are finished measuring samples (the data will be saved).
  7. The time display. This is the current time, synchronized with CELIA.
  8. The date display. This is the current date.
  9. The INSERT button. Click on this button with the mouse pointer if you want to insert a sample (you skipped a sample, and need to insert it in the list).
  10. The DELETE button. Click on this button with the mouse pointer if you want to delete a sample.

Using this function is very straight forward. Simply click on the NEW SAMPLE button with the mouse pointer. The programme will prompt you to place the next sample on the scale. Once it is on the scale, click on OK. The scale will beep, and the weight will be displayed in the current weight display. In addition, the weight and sample number will be added to the sample list.

If you make a mistake and want to edit a sample, double click on the sample in the sample list. The programme will ask if you want to edit that sample, and will then prompt you to place the sample on the scale. Once the sample is on the scale, click on OK. The previous weight will be replaced with the new weight.

If you miss a sample, and want to insert one, click on the sample in the sample list that you want to insert, and then click on the INSERT button. The programme will ask if you want to insert that sample, and then will prompt you to place the sample on the scale. Once the sample is on the scale, click on OK. The sample will be weighed and inserted into the sample list.

If you wish to delete a sample, click on the offending sample in the sample list, and then click on the DELETE button. The programme will ask if you want to delete that sample, and will then remove the sample from the sample list.

When you are finished weighing samples, click on either the DONE button, or the QUIT menu item. The preweigh data will be saved on the disk, and may be recalled for later use. The programme will give you a name that refers to the sample set that you have been working on. Please ensure that this name is marked clearly on the sample set, since all future references to the sample set will use this name.

Next: Loading Previously Weighed Up: Weighing Empty Sample Previous: Introduction