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Saving data, and moving it to the VAX

Once you are finished analyzing blood samples, click either on Done or on Quit in the menu. The data will be saved in a file called run number.BLR, where run number is the run number of the study being saved. A prompt will appear asking whether or not you want to create a corresponding CNT file on the VAX. If you are finished entering data, and want the CNT file created, click on Yes. Otherwise click on No.

If you choose to create the CNT file, and the data is incomplete (not all samples have complete data associated with them), the computer will ask whether or not you want to continue. If you want to continue, click on Yes. Otherwise, click on No. If you select No, the CNT file will not be created. Selecting Yes will create the CNT file, but any samples with incomplete data will be omitted.

In any of these cases the data will first be saved in a BLR file for safekeeping. If the data is incomplete you can go back to measuring samples later by entering the run number when the computer asks for it (when first starting blood analysis). This will cause the BLR file to be loaded, and will allow you to continue entering data where you left off.