The MNI ICBM MRI data base is stored in /data/icbm/mri1/subjects.

The directories /data/icbm/mri1/subjects/00XXX is the subject directory for ICBM subj 00XXX.

In this directory, we have:

./classify -classified data (GM,WM,CSF) from the stereotaxic T1,T2 and PD
./final -stereotaxic registered T1, T2 and PD data (1mm^3 voxels)
./logs -all the log files form all of the processing.
./native -the original minc volumes, straight off the scanner. Includes T1, PDa, PDb, T2a and T2b volumes. The T1 is 1mm^3, the T2 and PD is 1x1x2mm
./normalize -intensity normalization field (result of N3)
./seg -all segmentation labels for the stereotaxic data
./surfaces -all extracted cortical, brain stem and cerebellar surfaces.
./temp -temporary working space for data processing. Should be empty.
./transforms-linear and non-linear registration transformations for linear intra-subject registration (mapping T1, PDa, PDb, T2a and T2b together) and stereotaxic registration (linear/mni_icbm_00XXX_t1tal_lin.xfm and nonlinear/mni_icbm_00XXX_t1tal_nl.xfm) The actual deformation grid volume is in nonlinear/mni_icbm_00XXX_t1tal_nl_grid_0.mnc

The stereotaxic target is the MNI 305 t1-weighted average found in /avgbrain/brain/images/model/average_305.mnc

Other ICBM information:
ICBM update - Daily information for database

Please contact Louis Collins if you have any questions.