2005-09-06 - Louis Lab Meeting - louis New people - scott - fMRI tactile thing - michigan - MS lesions with Doug - Vladimir - NIHPD - Luke Fu - Co-supervised with Alan Evans - QC for ACR phantom - Elias Gedammu - Co-supervised with Doug to do QC for SNR, (Masters) - Anka - Replacing Simon 19 people no seats ipl2/ipl9/icbm gone. - mallar/louis/jacqueline Funding - Grant for IGNS still good - Be good about conferences Papers - Jacqueline, Simon and Mallar have been good little vegemites Web pages - Mallar + Ingerid => Pablo Stuff to do AJ - 100G for jennifer. AJ - name for web guy for Mallar. AJ - Find out who is using what on ipl