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Types and Macros

There are several types and macros defined for use with the BIC Volume IO Library. All function declarations in the library are preceded with either the word public or private, which indicates whether the function is accessible from outside the file in which it resides. Users of the library will only be interested in those functions preceded by public. They are defined as follows:

        #define  public
        #define  private   static

A type for logical values is defined:

        typedef  int    BOOLEAN
        #define  FALSE  0
        #define  TRUE   1
        #define  OFF    FALSE
        #define  ON     TRUE

Other useful types defined include:

        typedef  double             Real;
        #define  MAX_STRING_LENGTH  200
        typedef  char               STRING[MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1];
        typedef  enum 
        typedef  char               Smallest_int;

Some macros useful for general programming include:


A constant equal to 3, the number of dimensions in the real world.


A constant equal to 0, used as an index into various XYZ structures.


A constant equal to 1, used as an index into various XYZ structures.


A constant equal to 2, used as an index into various XYZ structures.


returns the number of elements in a statically allocated array, for example,

            int  size;
            int  array[] = { 1, 2, 3 };

            size = SIZEOF_STATIC_ARRAY( array );     /* == 3 */

ROUND( x )

returns the nearest integer to the x. If halfway in between two integers, returns the higher of the two.

IS_INT( x )

returns TRUE if the real argument is exactly an integer.


returns the fractional part of the argument.

FLOOR( x )

returns the largest integer less than or equal to the argument.


returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument.

ABS( x )

returns the absolute value of an integer or real.

MAX( x, y )

returns the maximum of two integers or reals.

MAX3( x, y, z )

returns the maximum of three integers or reals.

MIN( x, y )

returns the minimum of two integers or reals.

MIN3( x, y, z )

returns the minimum of three integers or reals.

INTERPOLATE( alpha, a, b )

returns the interpolation between a and b, where alpha is in the range zero to one.


returns the value of .


returns the number of radians per degrees, used to multiply an angle in degrees to result in radians.


returns the number of degrees per radian, used to multiply an angle in radians to result in degrees.

IJ( i, j, nj )

converts the indices of a 2-D ni by nj array into a single index, based on row-major order.

IJK( i, j, k, nj, nk )

converts the indices of a 3-D ni by nj by nk array into a single index, based on row-major order.

for_less( i, start, end )

performs a for loop where i starts at start and increments until it is greater than or equal to end. Equivalent to for( i = start; i < end; ++i ).

for_inclusive( i, start, end )

performs a for loop where i starts at start and increments until it is greater than end. Equivalent to for( i = start; i <= end; ++i ).


Special C source macro to stick two different identifiers together, i.e., GLUE(colour,_name) results in colour_name.


Special C source macro to stick three different identifiers together, i.e., GLUE(a,b,c) results in abc.

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Fri Feb 17 15:37:42 EST 1995