Kelvin Mok |

Area of research expertise:
I have several years experience in computational brain imaging and applied biomedical engineering in clinical settings. I have pursued diverse challenges in biomedical engineering research, clinical operations, cross-discipline team development, knowledge translation, health systems management, and strategic planning. My main motivations include (a) improving brain health through combining health systems transformation and quantitative approaches, (b) improvement to treatment and understanding of brain disorders through quantatitve imaging approaches, and (c) optimization of processes and procedures for quality and efficiency.

My areas of specialization include Functional Brain Mapping, Image-Guided Neurosurgery, human brain MRI/fMRI acquisition and processing, stereotaxic neurosurgical methods, computational approaches and geometry, multivariate analysis, surgical synoptic reporting, surgical quality outcomes, applied machine learning, deep learning

Training and Credentials:
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering (Calgary);
M.Eng., Biomedical Engineering (McGill University) with Prof. Alan Evans;
P.Eng., Professional Engineering, APEGA Ing. Jr., Ordres des Ingenieurs du Quebec Graduate Degree in Health Systems Management (McGill University);
Ph.D. Candidate (McGill University) with Prof. Amir Shmuel;

Prior Work Experience:
2006-2006 Research Fellow, Institute of Aging, Cancer, Development, Tohoku University
2008-2009 Research Engineer, Presurgical Functional Brain Imaging Unit
2008-2013 Research Associate, Cognitive Neuroscience Unit
2009-2015 Biomedical Engineer, Operating Room Stereotaxic Unit, McGill University Health Centre
2009-2015 Director, Neuronavigation Unit, Department Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute
2015-2016 Associate Scientific Director, Surgical Strategic Clinical Network, Alberta Health Services