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Adult subjects with a family history of language impairment were divided into two groups; those who were impaired (n=5) on DST and those who were non-impaired (n=10). Result are presented in Table 1. Using t-test, a significant difference (p<0.01) was found in the cortical CSF/gray ratio; the impaired subjects (x=0.39+0.06) having a higher ratio as compared to controls (x=0.32+0.06; n=53). The CSF/gray ratio in the non-impaired FLI subjects (x=0.36+0.06) was slightly but not significantly (p=0.41) higher than the controls (Fig. 1).

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Table 1. Cortical CSF/Gray Ratio in Cotrols and FLI Subjects. FLI subjects are divided into two groups; FLI+positive DST are the family members of probands that had language impairment. FLI+negative DST are the family members of probands that tested negative on dysphasia screening test.

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MRI volume from an FLI subject in comparison to control. Notice the wide sulci and enlarged inter-hemispheric fissure in FLI volume compared to control in both hemispheres (points of differences indicated by arrows).

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CSF/Gray ratio in relation to linguistic performance between the control and test subjects.

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