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Example: Writing values

Writing from floating point to byte values :

   /* Create the icv */
   (void) miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, NC_FLOAT);
   (void) miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE);

   /* Create the file */
   cdf=nccreate(filename, NC_CLOBBER);

   /* Define the dimensions */
   dim[0]=ncdimdef(cdf, MIyspace, ysize);
   dim[1]=ncdimdef(cdf, MIxspace, xsize);

   /* Define the variables */
   img=micreate_std_variable(cdf, MIimage, NC_BYTE, 2, dim);
   (void) miattputstr(cdf, img, MIsigntype, MI_UNSIGNED);
   vrange[0]=0; vrange[1]=200;
   (void) ncattput(cdf, img, MIvalid_range, NC_DOUBLE, 2, vrange);
   max=micreate_std_variable(cdf, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL);
   min=micreate_std_variable(cdf, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL);

   /* End definition mode */

   /* Attach image variable */
   (void) miicv_attach(icv, cdf, img);

   /* Write the image max and min */
   ncvarput1(cdf, max, NULL, &image_maximum);
   ncvarput1(cdf, min, NULL, &image_minimum);

   /* Write the image */
   count[0]=ysize; count[1]=xsize;
   miicv_put(icv, start, count, vals);

   /* Close the file and free the icv */
   (void) ncclose(cdf);
   (void) miicv_free(icv);

If we were writing a floating point image, the only difference (apart from changing NC_BYTE to NC_FLOAT) would be that we would rewrite MIvalid_range at the end of the file with the full range of floating point values.

Robert VINCENT 2004-05-28