Maxime Boucher's Home Page

I have moved. Since July 2011, I work at Facebook.

I am a soon to graduate Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science at McGill University. My thesis is on surface analysis in the greater context of medical shape analysis under the co-supervision of Alan Evans and Kaleem Siddiqi.

I hold an Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) where I graduated in August 2004.

In summer 2004, I did a research internship at the Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging affiliated with Harvard Medical School where I worked on Regularization of Fiber Tractography in DT-MRI.

Research Interests:

Journal Articles:

Conference Papers:

Conference Abstracts:

Oral Presentations:

Graduate Courses Followed

Educational Info:

Teaching Assistant

Contact Information:

McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Rm WB214b
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Tel: +1 514-398-6447
email: boucher at

Other Stuff