Maxime Boucher's Home Page
I have moved. Since July 2011, I work at Facebook.
I am a soon to graduate Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science at McGill University. My thesis is on surface analysis in the greater context of medical shape analysis under the co-supervision of Alan Evans and Kaleem Siddiqi.
I hold an Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) where I graduated in August 2004.
In summer 2004, I did a research internship at the Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging affiliated with Harvard Medical School where I worked on Regularization of Fiber Tractography in DT-MRI.
Research Interests:
- Differential Geometry and Scale Space
- Multivariate Statistics and Gaussian Random Field Models
- Computer Vision
- Brain Shape Analysis
Journal Articles:
- Maxime Boucher, Sue Whitesides, Alan Evans, Depth potential function for folding pattern representation, registration and analysis, Medical Image Analysis, 2008.
- Oliver Lyttelton, Maxime Boucher, Steven Robbins, Alan Evans, An unbiased iterative group registration template for cortical surface analysis, Neuroimage. 2006 Dec 22.
Conference Papers:
- Maxime Boucher, Alan Evans, Kaleem Siddiqi, Anisotropic Diffusion of Tensor Fields for Fold Shape Analysis on Surfaces, Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2011.
- Maxime Boucher, Alan Evans, Kaleem Siddiqi, A Texture Manifold for Curve-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex, Proceedings of MICCAI workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Recognition Techniques and Applications in Medical Imaging, 2010.
- Maxime Boucher, Alan Evans, Kaleem Siddiqi, Oriented Morphometry of Folds on Surfaces, Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2009.
- Maxime Boucher,
Alan Evans, Dealing With Uncertainty in the Principal Direction of
Tensors, Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis 2008.
- Maxime Boucher,
Oliver Lyttelton, Sue Whitesides, Alan Evans, A Discrete Differential
Operator for Direction-Based Surface Morphometry, International
Conference on Computer Vision, 2007.
Conference Abstracts:
- KJ Worsley, JE Taylor, F Carbonell, MK Chung, E Duerden, B Bernhardt, O Lyttelton, M Boucher, AC Evans, SurfStat:
A Matlab toolbox for the statistical analysis of univariate and
multivariate surface and volumetric data using linear mixed effects
models and random field theory, Human Brain Mapping Conference, June
- Maxime Boucher,
Oliver Lyttelton, Sue Whitesides, Alan Evans, Multivariate
Deformation-Based Morphometry Statistics of Cortical Surfaces Reveals
Changes in Folding Frequency Correlated with Alzheimer's Disease, Human
Brain Mapping Conference, June 2008.
- Maxime Boucher,
Sue Whitesides, Alan Evans, Continuous Sulcal Depth Differences and
Cortical Asymetry Detected Using a Novel Depth Potential Function Based
on Poisson's Equation, Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2007.
- Maxime Boucher, Alan Evans, Multi-Scale Cortical Surface Representation using Normal Meshes, Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2006.
Oral Presentations:
Graduate Courses Followed
Educational Info:
Teaching Assistant
- Computer Graphics (Fall 2009)
- Computer Vision (Fall 2008)
Contact Information:
McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Rm WB214b
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Tel: +1 514-398-6447
email: boucher at
Other Stuff