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Slide Imaging

As with imaging slides created with Showcase, the method of imaging depends upon the export technique chosen (see the previous section for a description of the two possibilities). If your slides were saved as a Scrapbook, simply add each one to the list of files in POM. They will be individually imaged, and a preview will be available. They are automatically scaled to fit the slide, and it is not necessary to change any parameters from the default.

If your slides were saved in a single PostScript file things are a bit more complicated. The single PostScript file contains the slides ``printed'' on standard 8.5''x11'' sheets, since PowerPoint assumes that you intend to send the PostScript file to a regular paper printer. Therefore, the images must be rotated and scaled properly by POM. Add the PostScript file to the list of files to be imaged, and then double click on its name. An option screen will appear, and in the bottom left hand corner is a pull down menu called ``Prefs...''. Select the option ``Powerpoint Letter PostScript prefs''.

As a final note, make sure that the POM imaging parameters (resolution, brightness, etc.) are set correctly. Please see section 5.2 for a list of the parameters.

Mark Wolforth (