Q: Hi all, I am writing ITK based processing of MINC volumes, and trying to make it as compatible as possible to DICOM processing that we have on our platform, which is based on OpenMAF in addition to ITK and VTK.

This DICOM stuff displays patient information, such as patient name, patient ID, and so on. Does anyone have example code that does this with MINC?

A: I have written MINC2 support for ITK a few years ago. This code is now part of review directory of ITK. you can use it to read and write MINC2.0 files (no minc1.0 support) , however there is no code for reading patient information.

so what you can do is add that code (minc function calls for retrieving patient information) to the MINC2.0 itk factory. So all the information can be read along with image information.