Pre-Processing Native MINC Files

To re-order the internal dimensions of the MINC volume for optimized performance:

mincreshape -clobber +direction -dimorder zspace,yspace,xspace -dimsize xspace=−1 -dimsize yspace=−1 -dimsize zspace=−1 input.mnc output.mnc

To ensure that the voxel spacing is regular:

minc_modify_header -sinsert xspace:spacing=‘regular__’ input.mnc
minc_modify_header -sinsert yspace:spacing=‘regular__’ input.mnc
minc_modify_header -sinsert zspace:spacing=‘regular__’ input.mnc

To center a volume in the field of view, first obtain the extents of the bounding box, then change the start coordinates to place the origin at the center of the volume.

mincinfo input.mnc

   file: input.mnc
   image: unsigned short 0 to 4095
   image dimensions: xspace zspace yspace
       dimension name         length         step        start
       --------------         ------         ——        -----
       xspace                    160            1      −75.746
       zspace                    256           −1      123.252
       yspace                    224           −1      128.631

The corner of the volume with the origin at its center is:

   xstart = -0.5 * xlength * xstep = -0.5 * 160 * 1 = -80.0
   zstart = -0.5 * zlength * zstep = -0.5 * 256 * (-1) = 128.0
   ystart = -0.5 * ylength * ystep = -0.5 * 224 * (-1) = 112.0

To set the origin:

minc_modify_header -dinsert xspace:start=-80.0 -dinsert zspace:start=128.0 -dinsert yspace:start=112.0 input.mnc

Here is a sample Perl script for converting: center_mnc_origin

Note that it is not necessary to reset the origin if the initial origin is close to the center of the field of view. This change is only necessary when the origin is far from the center, for example when the origin is set to the lower left corner of the field of view (often the case after a NIfTI to MINC conversion).

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