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MATLAB files

CALPIX generates the vector index of a point

        cp = calpix(x,y)

generates the vector index (1 to 16384) of the x and y coordinates of a pixel in a 128*128 image. It uses the simple formula cp = round(x) + 128 * round(y-1)

CHECK_SF for internal use only

       msg = check_sf (handle, slices, frames)

makes sure that the given slices and frames vectors are consistent with the image specified by handle. Checks for:

CLOSEIMAGE closes image data set(s)

      closeimage (handles)

Closes one or more image data sets.

DERIV calculate the derivative and smoothed version of a function

       [yfit, deriv] = deriv (fit_points, data_points, y, dt)

This function calculates the derivative and smoothed version of a function, using the method of parabolic regressive filters, described in Sayers: "Inferring Significance from Biological Signals."

GETBLOODDATA retrieve blood activity and sample times from a study

         [activity, mid_times] = getblooddata (study)

The study variable can be a handle to an open image, or the name of a NetCDF (MNC or BNC) file containing the blood activity data for the study. If it is a handle, getblooddata will first look in the associated MINC file (if any), and then in the associated BNC file (if any) for the blood activity variables. If just a filename (either a MINC or BNC file) is given, getblooddata will look in that file only. The mid-sample times will be calculated from amongst the variables sample_start, sample_stop, and sample_length. The default is mid = (sample_start + sample_stop)/2; but if sample_stop is not found in the MNC or BNC file, then mid = sample_start + (sample_length/2) will be used instead. If a file that does not exist is specified, or getblooddata cannot find the blood activity data in either the MINC or BNC file, it will print a warning message and return nothing (ie. empty matrices).

GETIMAGEINFO retrieve helpful trivia about an open image

      info = getimageinfo (handle, whatinfo)

Get some information about an open image. handle refers to a MINC file previously opened with openimage or created with newimage. whatinfo is a string that describes what you want to know about. The possible values of this string are numerous and ever-expanding. The first possibility is the name of one of the standard MINC image dimensions: 'time', 'zspace', 'yspace', or 'xspace'. If these are supplied, getimageinfo will return the length of that dimension from the MINC file, or 0 if the dimension does not exist. Note that requesting 'time' is equivalent to requesting 'NumFrames'; also, the three spatial dimensions also have equivalences that are somewhat more complicated. For the case of transverse images, zspace is equivalent to NumSlices, yspace to ImageHeight, and xspace to ImageWidth. See the help for newimage (or the MINC standard documentation) for details on the relationship between image orientation (transverse, sagittal, or coronal) and the MINC spatial image dimensions. The other possibilities for whatinfo, and what they cause getimageinfo to return, are as follows:

Filename - the name of the MINC file (if applicable) as supplied to openimage or newimage; will be empty if data set has no associated MINC file.
NumFrames - number of frames in the study, 0 if non-dynamic study (equivalent to 'time')
NumSlices - number of slices in the study (0 if no slice dimension)
ImageHeight - the size of the second-fastest varying spatial dimension in the MINC file. For transverse images, this is just the length of MIyspace. Also, when an image is displayed with viewimage, the dimension that is "vertical" on your display is the image height dimension. (Assuming viewimage is working correctly.)
ImageWidth - the size of the fastest varying spatial dimension, which is MIxspace for transverse images. When an image is displayed with viewimage, the image width is the horizontal dimension on your display.
ImageSize - a two-element vector containing ImageHeight and ImageWidth (in that order). Useful for viewing non-square images, because viewimage needs to know the image size in that case.
DimSizes - a four-element vector containing NumFrames, NumSlices, ImageHeight, and ImageWidth (in that order)
FrameLengths - vector with NumFrames elements - duration of each frame in the study, in seconds. This is simply the contents of the MINC variable 'time-width'; if this variable does not exist in the MINC file, then getimageinfo will return an empty matrix.
FrameTimes - vector with NumFrames elements - start time of each frame, relative to start of study, in seconds. This comes from the MINC variable 'time'; again, if this variable is not found, then getimageinfo will return an empty matrix.
MidFrameTimes - time at the middle of each frame (calculated by FrameTimes + FrameLengths/2) in seconds
If the requested data item is invalid or the image specified by handle is not found (ie. has not been opened), then the returned data will be an empty matrix. (You can test whether this is the case with the isempty() function.) SEE ALSO openimage, newimage, getimages

GETIMAGES Retrieve whole or partial images from an open MINC file.

   images = getimages (handle [, slices [, frames [, old_matrix ...
                       [, start_row [, num_rows]]]]])

reads whole or partial images from the MINC file specified by handle. Either slices or frames can be a vector (to specify a set of several images), but at least one of them must be a scalar - it is not possible to read images from both different slices and different frames at the same time. (Multiple calls to getimages will be needed for this.) If the file is non-dynamic (no time dimension), then the frames argument can be omitted or empty; likewise, if there is no slice dimension, the slices argument can be omitted or empty. (But note that slices must be given if any frames are to be specified - thus, it may be necessary to supply an empty matrix for slices in the unusual case of a MINC file with frames but no slice variation.) The default behaviour of getimages is to read whole images and return them as MATLAB column vectors with the image rows stored sequentially. If multiple images are read, then they will be returned as the columns of a matrix. For instance, if 10 128x128 images are read, then getimages will return a 16384x10 matrix; to extract a single image, use MATLAB's colon operator, as in foo (:,1) to extract all rows of column 1 of the matrix foo. To read partial images, you can specify a starting image row in start_row; if num_rows is not supplied and start_row is, then a single row is read. To try to conserve memory use, you can "recycle" MATLAB matrices when sequentially calling getimages to read in identically-sized blocks of image data. This is done by simply passing your image matrix to getimages as old_matrix, eg: img = []; for slice = 1:numslices img = getimages (handle, slice, 1:numframes, img); (process img) end This will get around MATLAB's tendency to unnecessarily allocate new blocks of memory and leave old blocks unused. EXAMPLES (assuming handle = openimage ('some_minc_file');) To read in the first frame of the first slice: one_image = getimages (handle, 1, 1); To read in the first 10 frames of the first slice: first_10 = getimages (handle, 1, 1:10); To read in the first 10 slices of a non-dynamic (i.e. no frames) file: first_10 = getimages (handle, 1:10); Note that there is currently no way to write partial images - this feature is provided in the hopes of cutting down memory usage due to intermediate calculations; you should pre-allocate a matrix large enough to hold your final results, and place them there as blocks of rows from the input MINC file are processed. Then, when all rows have been processed, a whole output image can be written to the output file.

GETMASK returns a mask that is the same size as the passed image.

      mask = getmask (image)

The mask consists of 0's and 1's, and is created interactively by the user. Currently, a threshold algorithm is used, based on the input argument image: the user selects a threshold using a slider (the default starting value is 1.8), and getmask selects all points in image greater than the mean value of the entire image multiplied by threshold the threshold. It then displays image as masked by that threshold value, so the user can refine the threshold to his/her satisfaction.

GETPIXEL replacement for MATLAB's ginput function

      [x,y] = getpixel(n)

MATLAB's ginput function crashes if there is no X display defined. This function checks to make sure that the display exists before calling ginput. The functionality of this function is exactly the same as MATLAB's ginput.

HOTMETAL a better hot metal color map.

          map = hotmetal(num_colors)

HOTMETAL(M) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing a "hot" colormap. HOTMETAL, by itself, is the same length as the current colormap. For example, to reset the colormap of the current figure:



MAKETAC Make a time-activity curve

      tac = maketac(x,y,pet)

Generate a time-activity curve from a set of data.

MIINQUIRE find out various things about a MINC file from MATLAB

    info = miinquire ('minc_file' [, 'option' [, 'item']], ...)

miinquire has a rather involved syntax, so pay attention. The first argument is always the name of a MINC file. Following the filename can come any number of "option sequences", which consist of the option (a string) followed by zero or more items (more strings). Any number of option sequences can be included in a single call to miinquire, as long as enough output arguments are provided (this is checked mainly as a debugging aid to the user). Generally, each option results in a single output argument. The currently available options are: dimlength imagesize vartype Options that will most likely be added in the near future are: dimnames varnames vardims varatts atttype attvalue One inconsistence with the standalone utility mincinfo (after which miinquire is modelled) is the absence of the option "varvalues". The functionality of this available in a superior way via the CMEX mireadvar. EXAMPLES [ImSize, NumFrames, ImType] = ... miinquire ('foobar.mnc', 'imagesize', ... 'dimlength', 'time', ... 'vartype', 'image'); puts the four-element vector of image dimension sizes into ImSize; the length of the time dimension into the scalar NumFrames; and the type of the image variable into the string ImType.

MIREADIMAGES Read images from specified slice(s)/frame(s) of a MINC file.

   images = mireadimages ('minc_file'[, slices[, frames[, options]]])

opens the given MINC file, and attempts to read whole images from the slices and frames specified in the slices and frames vectors. For the case of 128 x 128 images, the images are returned as the the columns of a 16384-row matrix, with the highest image dimension varying the fastest. That is, if x is the highest image dimension, each contiguous block of 128 elements will correspond to one row of the image. To manipulate a single image as a 128x128 matrix, it is necessary to extract the desired column (image), and then reshape it to the appropriate size. For example, to load all frames of slice 5, and then extract frame 7 of the file foobar.mnc:

   >> images = mireadimages ('foobar.mnc', 4, 0:20);
   >> frame7 = images (:, 7);
   >> frame7 = reshape (frame7, 128, 128);
Note that mireadimages expects slice and frame numbers to be zero- based! Thus, frames 0 .. 20 of the MINC file are read into columns 1 .. 21 of the matrix images. For most dynamic analyses, it will also be necessary to extract the frame timing data. This can be done using MIREADVAR. Currently, only one of the vectors slices or frames can contain multiple elements.

MIREADVAR Read a hyperslab of data from any variable in a MINC file.

   data = mireadvars ('MINC_file', 'var_name', [, start, count[, options]])

Given vectors describing the starting corner (zero-based!) and edge lengths, mireadvars reads an n-dimensional hyperslab from a MINC (or NetCDF) file. The data is returned as a MATLAB vector, with the highest dimension of the variable changing fastest. The simplest (and intended) use of mireadvars is to read an entire one-dimensional variable. For example: time = mireadvars ('foobar.mnc', 'time'); will read the entire contents of the variable 'time' from the file foobar.mnc. (If the start and count vectors are not given, they default to reading the entire variable. Currently, if start is given, count must be given, and they must each have exactly one element per dimension.) A more complicated example is to use mireadvar as a low-rent substitute for mireadimages. For example, to read slice 5, frame 7 (note that these are 1-based, and mireadvar expects 0-based indeces!) of foobar.mnc: image = mireadvar ('foobar.mnc', 'image', [6 4 0 0], [1 1 128 128]); The disadvantages of this approach are numerous. First of all, mireadimages will perform the scaling and shifting necessary to transform the image data from scaled bytes or shorts (or however it happens to be stored in the MINC file) to floating point values representing the actual physical data. Second, with mireadvar you must know the exact order of the dimensions: in the above example, "slice 5" corresponds to the 4 (note zero-based!) at position 2 of the Start vector, and "frame 7" is the 6. Also, you must know the size of the image; mireadimages will handle anything, not just 128x128. Finally, mireadimages provides greater flexibility with respect to slice and frame selection. With mireadvar, you can only read contiguous ranges of slices and frames, and you must figure out the start and count values for each dimension yourself. Mireadimages, however, does all that work for you given just slice and frame numbers.

MIWRITEIMAGES write images to a MINC file

    miwriteimages (filename, images, slices, frames)

writes images (in the format as returned by mireadimages) to a MINC file. The MINC file must already exist and must have room for the data. slices and frames only tell miwriteimages where to put the data in the MINC file, they are not used to select certain columns from images. Also, the slices and frames must be valid and consistent with the MINC file, which must exist and have an image variable in it. The number of images to write (implied by the number of elements in slices or frames) must be the same as the number of columns in the matrix images. Since miwriteimages only expects to be called by putimages, none of these requirements are checked here - all that is done by putimages. Note that there is also a standalone executable miwriteimages; this is called by miwriteimages.m via a shell escape. Neither of these programs are meant for everyday use by the end user.

NCONV Convolution of two vectors with not necessarily unit spacing.

 	C = NCONV(A, B, spacing) convolves vectors A and B.  The resulting
 	vector is length LENGTH(A)+LENGTH(B)-1.

This routine is a replacement for MathWorks' conv function, which implicitly assumes that A and B are sampled with unit spacing. If you are dealing with two functions that are unevenly sampled or sampled with different spacings, one or both of them must be resampled to the same evenly spaced independent variable. Then, if the spacing of the independent variable is not 1, it should be passed to nconv. See also CONV, XCORR, DECONV, CONV2, LOOKUP.

NEWIMAGE create a new MINC file, possibly descended from an old one

   handle = newimage (NewFile, DimSizes, ParentFile, ...
                      ImageType, ValidRange, DimOrder)

creates a new MINC file. NewFile and DimSizes must always be given, although the number of elements required in DimSizes varies depending on whether ParentFile is given (see below). All other parameter are optional, and, if they are not included or are empty, default to values sensible for PET studies at the MNI. The optional arguments are:

ParentFile - the name of an already existing MINC file. If this is given, then a number of items are inherited from the parent file and included in the new file; note that this can possibly change the defaults of all following optional arguments.
DimSizes - a vector containing the lengths of the image dimensions. If ParentFile is not given, then all four image dimensions (in the order frames, slices, height, and width) must be specified. Either or both of frames and slices may be zero, in which case the corresponding MINC dimension (MItime for frames, and one of MIzspace, MIyspace, or MIxspace for slices) will not be created. If ParentFile is given, then only the number of frames and slices are required; if the height and width are not given, they will default to the height/width of the parent MINC file. In no case can the height or width be zero - these two dimensions must always exist in a MINC file. See below, under "DimOrder", for details on how slices, width, and height are mapped to MIzspace, MIyspace, and MIxspace for the various conventional image viewpoints.
ImageType - a string, containing a C-like type dictating how the image is to be stored. Currently, this may be one of 'byte', 'short', 'long', 'float', or 'double'; plans are afoot to add 'signed' and 'unsigned' options for the three integer types. Currently, 'byte' images will be unsigned and 'short' and 'long' images will be signed. If this option is empty or not supplied, it will default to 'byte'. NOTE: this parameter is currently ignored.
ValidRange - a two-element vector describing the range of possible values (which of course depends on ImageType). If not provided, ValidRange defaults to the maximum range of ImageType, eg. [0 255] for byte, [-32768 32767] for short, etc. NOTE: this parameter is currently ignored.
DimOrder - a string describing the orientation of the images, one of 'transverse' (the default), 'sagittal', or 'coronal'. Transverse images are the default if DimOrder is not supplied. Recall that in the MINC standard, zspace, yspace, and xspace all have definite meanings with respect to the patient: z increases from inferior to superior, x from left to right, and y from posterior to anterior. However, the concepts of slices, width, and height are relative to a set of images, and the three possible image orientations each define a mapping from slices/width/height to zspace/yspace/xspace as follows:
Orientation Slice dim Height dim Width dim transverse MIzspace MIyspace MIxspace sagittal MIxspace MIzspace MIyspace coronal MIyspace MIzspace MIxspace

NFRAMEINT integrate a function across a range of intervals (frames)

    integrals = nframeint (ts, y, FrameStarts, FrameLengths)

calculates the integrals of a function (represented as a set of points in y, sampled at the time points in ts) across each of a set of frames which are given by their start times and lengths. The integral is then normalised so that nframeint returns the average value of y (as a function of ts) across each frame. ts and y must be vectors of the same length, as must FrameStarts and FrameLengths. Normally, ts and y are a good deal longer than FrameStarts and FrameLengths in order to get reasonably accurate results. The returned variable, integrals, will be a vector of the same length of FrameStarts and FrameLengths, containing the integral of y(ts) across each frame. Points of y to integrate for each frame are selected by finding all points of ts that are greater than the frame start time and less than the frame stop time. If possible, y is then linearly interpolated at the frame start and stop times to form a closed interval. Then, a trapezoidal integration across those points is calculated, and the integral is divided by the width of the interval across which y is known within the frame. Normally, this will simply be the length of the frame. However, it may be that the lowest value of ts is greater than the frame start or the highest value of ts is lower than the frame stop time. In these cases, y is not known outside of the frame, and cannot be resampled at the frame endpoints; so, the integration will only be performed across known points, and the integral will be divided not by the length of the frame but by the width of the interval across which y is known.

OPENIMAGE setup appropriate variables in MATLAB for reading a MINC file

   handle = openimage (filename)

Sets up a MINC file and prepares for reading. This function creates all variables required by subsequent get/put functions such as getimages and putimages. It also reads in various data about the size and number of images on the file, all of which can be queried via getimageinfo. The value returned by openimage is a handle to be passed to getimages, putimages, getimageinfo, etc.

PUTIMAGES Writes whole images to an open MINC file.

       putimages (handle, images [, slices [, frames]])

writes images (a matrix with each column containing a whole image) to the MINC file specified by handle, at the slices/frames specfied by the slices/frames vectors. Note that only one of the vectors slices or frames may have multiple elements; ie., you may not write multiple slices and multiple frames simultaneously. (This should not be a problem, since you cannot *read* multiple frames and slices simultaneously either.) If both slices and frames are present in the MINC file, then both slices and frames vectors must be supplied and be non-empty. If either of those dimensions are not present, though, then the associated vector must be either omitted or empty. EXAMPLES To write zeros to an entire slice (say, 21 frames of slice 7) of a full dynamic MINC file with 128x128 images [already opened with handle = newimage (...)]: images = zeros (16384,21); putimages (handle, images, 7, 1:21); To write random data to a single slice (7) of a non-dynamic file (again 128x128 images): image = rand (16384, 1); putimages (handle, image, 7); SEE ALSO newimage, openimage, getimages

RESAMPLEBLOOD resample the blood activity in some new time domain

   [new_g, new_ts] = resampleblood (handle, type[, samples])

reads the blood activity and sample timing data from the study specified by handle, and resamples the activity data at times specified by the string type. Currently, type can be one of 'even' or 'frame'. For 'even', a new, evenly-spaced set of times will be generated and used as the resampling times. For 'frame', the mid frame times will be used. In either case, the resampled blood activity is returned as new_g, and the times used are returned as new_ts. The optional argument samples specifies the number of samples to take. If it is not supplied, resampleblood will resample the blood data at roughly 0.5 second intervals.

SMOOTH do a simple spatial smoothing on an image

         new_data = smooth (old_data)

Smooths a two-dimensional image by averaging over a circle with a diameter of 5 pixels.

SPECTRAL Black-purple-blue-green-yellow-red-white color map.

          map = spectral(num_colors)

SPECTRAL(M) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing a "spectral" colormap. SPECTRAL, by itself, is the same length as the current colormap. For example, to reset the colormap of the current figure: colormap(spectral) See also HSV, GRAY, PINK, HOT, COOL, BONE, COPPER, FLAG, COLORMAP, RGBPLOT.

TEMPFILENAME generate a unique temporary filename

          fname = tempfilename

Requires that a directory /tmp/ exists on the current machine.

VIEWIMAGE displays a PET image from a vector or square matrix.

     [fig_handle, image_handle, bar_handle] = viewimage (img, colourbar_flag)

viewimage (img) sets the colourmap to spectral (the standard PET colourmap) and uses MATLAB's image function to display the image. Works on either SGI's or Xterminals, with colours dithered to black and white on the Xterms. Images are scaled so its high points are white and its low points black. viewimage (img, colourbar_flag) turns the colourbar on or off. The default is on, but by specifying colourbar flag = 0, the colourbar will be turned off.

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Mark Wolforth <>
Greg Ward <>
Sean Marrett <>