Diane Bedrossian, B.Sc.

Master’s Student -

I am a first year Masterís student in Dr. Dagherís lab at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre of the Montreal Neurological Institute. I completed my Bachelor of Science Honours Degree at Queenís University in Life Sciences where I was actively involved in student government, organizing and participating in intramural sports (particularly volleyball and soccer) and volunteer initiatives. I am happy to say that in addition to working on my Masterís project, which is likely to involve an fMRI study of the effects of dopamine modulation on cognitive reinforcement learning in Parkinsonís Disease, I am keeping up with my extra-curricular activities here at McGill. I am a councilor for the Graduate Student Association representing Neurological Sciences, captain of intramural volleyball and soccer teams and a volunteer with the McGill Cancer Society. Nonetheless, other newfound interests of mine include teaching fitness classes, learning salsa dancing and practicing my French every chance I get (especially with the other fabulous members of the Dagher lab).

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Fax:+1 514–398–8948
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