Mishkin Derakhshan

Ph.D. Student - Image Processing Lab (IPL)

Mishkin Derakhshan is a trained ninja who has mastered all 18 of the samurai fighting art skills. He has fought to achieve righteousness in the world and defeat the evil forces of terror. Having saved the world on numerous occasions, he turned his focus to the applications of image processing toward the treatment and understanding of multiple sclerosis. Specifically, he is developing methods to identify cortical grey matter lesions in vivo using surface-based methods combined with magnetization transfer imaging. He is also a part of the Magnetic Resonance Studies lab and is co-supervised by Douglas Arnold. Mishkin obtained a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from the University of Alberta in 2004. He began his master’s studies in biomedical engineering at McGill in 2005 and fast-tracked to the Ph.D. program in September 2007.

Telephone:+1 514–398–5065
Fax:+1 514–398–2975
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