Sandra Leh-Seal, M.Sc, B.Sc.

Ph.D. Student -

My neuroophthalmological experience as an Orthoptist (Health Professional in Neuroophthalmology, Ple- & Orthoptics) attracted my interest in (residual) visual abilities, learning disabilities, neurological disorders and its neuronal mechanisms, and directed me towards research in neuroscience. I am currently doing my Ph.D. in Neuroscience at McGill University/Montreal Neurological Institute & Hospital (MNI) under the supervision of Dr. Alain Ptito, a clinical neuropsychologist, who has done fundamental research on blindsight in hemispherectomized subjects and post-traumatic brain disorders. For my doctoral work on the neuronal correlate of blindsight, I am collaborating with Dr. Kathy T. Mullen (McGill) and Dr. Heidi Johansen-Berg (Oxford, UK) using behavioural and brain imaging techniques such as fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) tractography. In addition to my doctoral studies I have established a new research project with Dr. Antonio Strafella on the connectivity of the basal-ganglia in healthy subjects and Parkinson patients using DTI tractography.

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