IBIS Network - Infant Brain Imaging Study

Brain Development in Autism: Infant Siblings


Database login


Documents Repository (OWL)

Bug tracker (Mantis)


Mailing lists

File upload gateway

Window age calculator

Project Personnel (wiki)

Main Recruitment Website


Please click here to login to the OWL Document Repository.

This tool provides the IBIS network with a central location to store all IBIS related documents. Owl is accessible on-line from any computer. In addition, Owl is capable of version tracking to reduce the degree of confusion that arises in such multi-site projects, where documents are often shared amongst many people. This capability allows the IBIS group to share documents and keep track of any updates in a organised fashion.

Please note: To access the OWL document repository, you will also need an OWL account. For the sake of simplicity, this account can be created such that your login/password is identical to the database login.

For more information about OWL, please click on the OWL user manual, or for those already familiar with OWL, please refer to the Quick Reference guide.