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The function declaration line. The output arguments K1 and k2 are both whole images: that is, for $128 \times 128$ PET data, they will be column vectors with 16,384 elements. filename is the name of the MINC file to process, slice specifies which slice from the file to process, and progress indicates whether or not the program should print progress information as it goes. filename and slice are both required; if progress is not given, it defaults to 1 (``true'').
function [K1,k2] = rcbf1 (filename, slice, progress)

Get the images and image information. This includes all of the frames for the slice being analyzed, the frame start times, the frame lengths, the mid-frame times, and the blood data. The frame time information is returned by simple enquiries with the data handle img returned by openimage. The blood data is returned by resampleblood, which gives the blood data in an evenly sampled time domain (every half second). The blood data is then cross-calibration corrected by multiplying by the factor XCAL. The cross-calibration converts from ${\rm Bq} /
{\rm g_{blood}}$ to ${\rm nCi} / {\rm mL_{blood}}$, taking into account the calibration between the well counter and the PET scanner. In order to maintain consistent units throughout the analysis, this data must then be converted from ${\rm nCi / ml_{blood}}$ back to ${\rm Bq} /
{\rm g_{blood}}$. The actual PET images are then retrieved, and the units are again converted to ${\rm Bq} / {\rm g_{tissue}}$. Any negative values present in the images are set to zero.
img = openimage(filename);
FrameTimes = getimageinfo (img, 'FrameTimes');
FrameLengths = getimageinfo (img, 'FrameLengths');
MidFTimes = FrameTimes + (FrameLengths / 2);

[g_even, ts_even] = resampleblood (img, 'even');

% Apply the cross-calibration factor, and convert back to Bq/g_blood 
XCAL = 0.11;
g_even = g_even*XCAL*37/1.05;

Ca_even = g_even;                % no delay/dispersion correction

PET = getimages (img, slice, 1:length(FrameTimes));
PET = PET * 37 / 1.05;           % convert to decay / (g_tissue * sec)
PET = PET .* (PET > 0);          % set all negative values to zero
ImLen = size (PET, 1);           % num of rows = length of image

Calculate some useful integrals that are used several times in the rest of the program. PET_int1, and PET_int2 are weighted integrals of the PET data across frames (integrated with respect to time). In particular, PET_int1 is the numerator of the left-hand-side of equation 6, and PET_int2 is the denominator. To get clean images out of the analysis, we wish to set all points outside of the head to zero. Therefore, we create a simple mask, and apply it to the weighted integrals. Note the use of rescale to perform an ``in-place'' multiplication on PET_int1. This has the same effect as the more conventional MATLAB PET_int1 = PET_int1 .* mask, but without making a copy of PET_int1.
PET_int1 = trapz (MidFTimes, PET')';
PET_int2 = trapz (MidFTimes, PET' .* (MidFTimes * ones(1,ImLen)))';

mask = PET_int1 > mean (PET_int1);
rescale (PET_int1, mask);
rescale (PET_int2, mask);

Calculate the left hand side of equation (6).
rL = PET_int1 ./ PET_int2;

Assign the k2 values to be used in the lookup table, and then generate some more useful weighted integrals. findintconvo computes the function

\begin{displaymath}C_{a}(t) \otimes e^{-k_{2}t}
\end{displaymath} (15)

at all points in the evenly-resampled time domain ts_even. Then, it integrates across each individual frame (which run from T1to T2; T1 and T2 in the following formula are implicitly functions of the frame). Then, the weighted integrals across all frames are computed:

 \begin{displaymath}\int_{0}^{T} \frac
{\int_{T_1}^{T_2} \left[ C_{a}(u) \otimes e^{-k_{2}u} \right] du}
{T_2 - T_1}
w_i dt
\end{displaymath} (16)

Here, wi is the weighting function; for the double-weighted analysis it is either 1 or t as in the right hand side of equation (6).

Then, since we wish to relate k2 to the values of these integrals, findintconvo computes equation 16 at a wide range of values of k2 (supplied by the argument k2_lookup) for each weighting function wi. (For the double-weighted method, w1 = 1 and w2 = t.) Note that the supplied value of k2_lookup implies an assumption that no voxel in the image will have a k2 value outside the range $0 \ldots 3\,
{\rm min}^{-1}$.) See section 3.3.4 for information on the internal details of findintconvo.

k2_lookup = (0:0.02:3) / 60;
[conv_int1, conv_int2] = findintconvo (Ca_even, ts_even, k2_lookup,...
                            MidFTimes, FrameLengths, 1, MidFTimes);

Calculate the right side of equation (6).
rR = conv_int1 ./ conv_int2;

Generate the k2 image through table lookup. This is where we make use of the lookup tables generated in findintconvo for great time savings: findintconvo only has to compute equation 16 (a comparatively slow operation) a few hundred times, but for that effort we get 16,384 values of k2 very quickly.
k2 = lookup(rR, k2_lookup, rL);

Generate the K1 image through table lookup and division. k2_conv_ints contains the values of equation 16 at the actual values of k2 for this image, rather than at the artificial set k2_lookup. This step is where we solve the numerator of equation 6 for K1.
k2_conv_ints = lookup (k2_lookup, conv_int1, k2);
K1 = PET_int1 ./ k2_conv_ints;

Clean up the K1 image by setting any NaN's and infinities to zero, and close the image data set.
nuke = find (isnan (K1) | isinf (K1));
K1 (nuke) = zeros (size (nuke));
closeimage (img);

Finally, K1 is converted from the internal units [ ${\rm
g_{blood} / g_{tissue}}$] to the standard units for rCBF analysis [ ${\rm mL_{blood} / (100\, g_{tissue} \cdot min)}$].
rescale (K1, 100*60/1.05);

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Mark Wolforth <>
Greg Ward <>
Sean Marrett <>