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RCBF2 is essentially an extension of RCBF1 with the addition of a third weighting function (needed to calculate V0) and correction for the delay and dispersion of blood. Also, RCBF2 allows the user to specify a list of slices (as a vector) rather than requiring a scalar slice. This means that we add a loop through all desired slices, so some of the code is rearranged to avoid redoing the same work several times in the loop.

The function declaration line. The output arguments K1, k2, and V0 will all be whole images--that is, for $128 \times 128$ PET data, they will be matrices with 16,384 elements per column, and one column per slice processed. delta will contain the blood delay term $\delta$ for each specified slice.

Of the input arguments, only filename (the name of the MINC volume to process) and slices (the list of slices to process) are required. The other three are boolean variables (i.e., they should be scalars with a value of either 0 or 1) that default to ``true'' (1). progress controls whether RCBF2 prints progress information; correction decides whether or not it performs correction of the blood data for delay and dispersion; and batch controls whether selection of the mask used for delay/dispersion correction should be interactive or automatic (the default). The latter two should not be changed when RCBF2 is being used for real data analysis, and are merely provided to speed things up when debugging.

function [K1,k2,V0,delta] = rcbf2_slice ...
         (filename, slices, progress, correction, batch)

Initialize the matrices that will hold the K1, k2, and V0 images, as well as the vector to hold the value of $\delta$ (the blood delay from equation 12) for each slice.
total_slices = length(slices);
K1 = zeros(16384,total_slices);
k2 = zeros(16384,total_slices);
V0 = zeros(16384,total_slices);
delta = zeros(1,total_slices);

Open the volume and get some preliminary information on frame times and lengths.
img = openimage(filename);
if (getimageinfo (img, 'time') == 0)
   error ('Study is non-dynamic');

FrameTimes = getimageinfo (img, 'FrameTimes');
FrameLengths = getimageinfo (img, 'FrameLengths');
MidFTimes = FrameTimes + (FrameLengths / 2);

Read the blood data, perform cross-calibration, and convert units. (See explanation in section 3.3.1.)
[g_even, ts_even] = resampleblood (img, 'even');
XCAL = 0.11;
rescale(g_even, (XCAL*37/1.05));

Create the weighting functions, w1, w2, and w3 from equations 7-9. Also here we initialize the list of k2 values from which the lookup table will be generated.

w1 = ones(length(MidFTimes), 1);
w2 = MidFTimes;
w3 = sqrt (MidFTimes);

k2_lookup = (-10:0.05:10) / 60;

At this point, we start the processing that is specific to each slice: read the PET data, perform delay/dispersion correction, generate the lookup table, and solve equation 10. Thus, we loop through all user-specified slices:
for current_slice = 1:total_slices

Read in the PET data for the current slice, and rescale it to convert from ${\rm nCi/mL_{tissue}}$ to ${\rm Bq/g_{tissue}}$.
PET = getimages (img, slices(current_slice), 1:length(FrameTimes), PET);
rescale (PET, (37/1.05));

Compute the weighted integrals of the PET data.
PET_int1 = ntrapz (MidFTimes, PET, w1);
PET_int2 = ntrapz (MidFTimes, PET, w2);
PET_int3 = ntrapz (MidFTimes, PET, w3);

This uses ntrapz, the CMEX version of trapz, which has the useful feature of allowing a weighting function to be supplied. Thus, the first line of code above is equivalent to (but faster and less memory-intensive than)

weight = ones (16384,1) * w1';
PETweighted = PET .* weight;
PET_int1 = trapz (MidFTimes, PETweighted');

Generate a simple mask based on PET_int1 (which is simply the PET data averaged across all frames), and mask using rescale. Also, mask is cleared for memory efficiency.
mask = PET_int1 > mean(PET_int1);
rescale (PET_int1, mask);
rescale (PET_int2, mask);
rescale (PET_int3, mask);
clear mask;

The next three steps perform delay/dispersion correction of the blood data (see section 2.4).

First, create a mask that is used to select gray matter only; the mask is a variation on that used to mask the weighted PET integrals above. That is, simply select all voxels whose values are greater than some constant times the mean of PET_int1. If non-interactive mode is on (i.e. batch = 1, the default behaviour), then this constant is hard-coded to 1.81; otherwise, the function getmask is run. This allows the user to select the threshold value while displaying the resulting, masked PET data.
if (batch)
  mask = PET_int1 > (1.8*mean(PET_int1));
  mask = getmask (PET_int1);

Use the mask to get the mean of all gray-matter voxels. Thus, we reduce the dynamic PET data (16,384 voxels sampled at n points in time) to a single time-activity curve (average of gray-matter activity at n points in time).
A = (mean (PET (find(mask),:)))';
clear mask;

The actual delay/dispersion correction is performed by correctblood. See sections 2.4, and 3.3.3 for information on (respectively) the theoretical basis and the implementation of delay/dispersion correction.
[ts_even, Ca_even, delta(:,current_slice)] = correctblood ...
    (A, FrameTimes, FrameLengths, g_even, ts_even, progress);

Generate tables of the three weighted integrals of $Ca(t)
\otimes e^{-k_{2}t}$. (Actually, we generate tables of this expression integrated across each individual frame, then integrated across all frames; the procedure is identical to that used in RCBF1 except for the addition of a third weighting function and the greatly expanded range of possible values for k2.)
[conv_int1,conv_int2,conv_int3] = findintconvo (Ca_even,ts_even,...
   k2_lookup, MidFTimes, FrameLengths, 1, w2, w3);

Generate some additional useful integrals. These are used more than once in the subsequent code, and so are calculated in advance to speed up the computation. Ca_mft is the blood data averaged over each frame. This is taken as the value of the blood data at the mid-frame time. Note that we must detect when the blood data does not cover all the frames that the PET data does; this is made easy because nframeint does the work for us. In particular, if the start time of any frame (some element of FrameTimes) is less than the start time of blood data [ts_even(1)], then nframeint returns NaN (not-a-number) in the element of Ca_mft corresponding to that frame. Similarly, if the end time of any frame (some element of FrameTimes+FrameLengths) is greater than the end time of blood data [ts_even(length(ts_even))], then NaN is also returned. The frames that fall outside of the blood data are then not used in generating the weighted integrals of the blood data.
Ca_mft = nframeint (ts_even, Ca_even, FrameTimes, FrameLengths);      
select = ~isnan(Ca_mft);

if (sum(select) ~= length(FrameTimes))
  disp('Warning: blood data does not span frames.');
Ca_int1 = ntrapz(MidFTimes(select), Ca_mft(select), w1(select));
Ca_int2 = ntrapz(MidFTimes(select), Ca_mft(select), w2(select));
Ca_int3 = ntrapz(MidFTimes(select), Ca_mft(select), w3(select));

Generate the lookup table relating k2 to values of the right hand side of equation (10). We also calculate the left hand side of equation (10), which will be used in the generation of a k2 image. Here, we see the value of precomputing all the terms of rL and rR--not only is the code fairly straightforward [as long as you understand the correspondence between the variables Ca_inti, PET_inti and conv_inti, and the terms of equation (10)], but the computation of rL and rR is very fast.

Note that since PET_inti is an image (i.e. it contains a value for each voxel in the slice), and Ca_inti is a scalar, then rL will be an image. However, conv_inti is a lookup table keyed on k2_lookup; that is, there it contains one value for every value of k2 presumed possible. Thus, rR will be also be a lookup table keyed on k2_lookup.

rL = ((Ca_int3 * PET_int1) - (Ca_int1 * PET_int3)) ./ ...
      ((Ca_int3 * PET_int2) - (Ca_int2 * PET_int3));

rR = ((Ca_int3 * conv_int1) - (Ca_int1 * conv_int3)) ./ ...
      ((Ca_int3 * conv_int2) - (Ca_int2 * conv_int3));

Since rL and rR are the left- and right-hand-sides of equation (10), we can use their equality to find k2 for every voxel. That is, we know rL for every voxel, and we know rR for a certain set of values of k2. Thus, we can use rR to interpolate values of k2. First, however, we must invert the current relationship between k2_lookup and rR; that is, we must make k2_lookup a lookup table keyed on the values of rR. MATLAB's sort function makes this quite easy: we can sort rR and get a vector containing the ``sort order'' in one step. Since we need k2_lookup in its original order later on, we make a copy called k2_sorted (even though it's now scrambled) that is ordered according to rR.
[rR,sort_order] = sort (rR);
k2_sorted = k2_lookup (sort_order);

Generate the k2 image, through a simple table lookup. Values of k2 are chosen by finding the value of k2 where rL and rR are equal.
k2 = lookup(rR, k2_sorted, rL);

Generate the K1 image by evaluating the numerator of equation (10). All of the time consuming calculations have already been performed, and we can evaluate the $\int_{0}^{T} w
(\int_{T_1}^{T_2} Ca(u) \otimes e^{-k_{2}u} du)/(T_2 - T_1) dt$ terms through table lookup.
K1_numer = ((Ca_int3*PET_int1) - (Ca_int1 * PET_int3));
K1_denom = (Ca_int3 * lookup(k2_lookup,conv_int1,k2)) - ...
           (Ca_int1 * lookup(k2_lookup,conv_int3,k2));
K1 = K1_numer ./ K1_denom;

Generate the V0 image by evaluating equation (7) directly. Once again, we may get values for the complicated part of the equation through simple table lookup.
V0 = (PET_int1 - (K1 .* lookup(k2_lookup,conv_int1,k2))) / Ca_int1;

Clean up the images by removing NaN's and infinities (setting them to zero).
nuke = find (isnan (K1));
K1 (nuke) = zeros (size (nuke));
nuke = find (isinf (K1));
K1 (nuke) = zeros (size (nuke));

nuke = find (isnan (V0));
V0 (nuke) = zeros (size (nuke));
nuke = find (isinf (V0));
V0 (nuke) = zeros (size (nuke));

Convert from the units used internally to the standard units for rCBF analysis.
rescale (K1, 100*60/1.05);
rescale (k2, 60);
rescale (V0, 100/1.05);

Finally, close the image file so that everything gets cleaned up nicely.
closeimage (img);

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Mark Wolforth <>
Greg Ward <>
Sean Marrett <>