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Function declaration and input/output arguments:
function [new_ts_even, Ca_even, delta] = correctblood ...
      (A, FrameTimes, FrameLengths, g_even, ts_even, options)
The input arguments are: = 0=
=-0.25in 0 =<: <879>>
Generally the same as ts_even, with some elements possibly chopped off from the end due to shifting of the time scale.
g_even after correction for blood dispersion and delay.
The computed delay correction $\delta$, in seconds.

Do the initial setup: calculate the mid-frame times, and find frames that fall in the first 60 seconds of the study. (Although the blood data is corrected over the entire study, the delay correction is based on the PET data from the first 60 seconds only, since the PET time-activity-curve is relatively flat by t=60.) because
MidFTimes = FrameTimes + FrameLengths/2;
first60 = find (FrameTimes < 60);       % all frames in first
numframes = length(FrameTimes);         %  minute only

Perform delay dispersion; we use deriv to compute a smoothed version of g_even and its first derivative, and then replace g_even with the dispersion-corrected blood data ($\bar{g}$ in equation 13).
[smooth_g_even, deriv_g] = ...
     deriv (3, length(ts_even), g_even, (ts_even(2)-ts_even(1)));
smooth_g_even(length(smooth_g_even)) = [];
deriv_g(length(deriv_g)) = [];
ts_even(length(smooth_g_even)) = [];
g_even = smooth_g_even + tau*deriv_g;

At this point, we are ready to start the delay correction--i.e., we will find the value of $\delta$ that gives a function Ca (t) that best fits the PET activity A*(t) in equation 12. However, there are three other unknowns in equation 12, and it was found that a full four-parameter fit was highly unstable. Therefore, we select a fixed set of values for $\delta$, perform multiple three-parameter fits (for $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$), and select the value of $\delta$ which resulted in the best fit.

First, we prepare for the repeated fits. The fixed set of $\delta$-values is selected; we initialize rss and params (used to select the value of $\delta$ which resulted in the best fit); and select values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ to start the fitting. These values are selected as being fairly representative of real data [ $\alpha = 0.6 {\rm mL_{blood} / (100 \, g_{tissue} \cdot min)}$, $\beta = \alpha / 0.8$, and $\gamma = 0.03 \, {\rm g_{blood}/g_{tissue}}$], but with $\alpha$ converted to our internal units of ${\rm g_{blood} / (g_{tissue} \cdot sec)}$ and $\beta$ to 1/sec. The init vector holds these values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$.

deltas = -5:1:10;
init = [.0001 .000125 .03];
rss = zeros (length(deltas), 1);
params = zeros (length(deltas), 3);

Now enter the loop through the values of $\delta$ in deltas. The first step is to copy the current element, deltas(i), to delta; this is done solely to make the code easier to read.
for i = 1:length(deltas)
   delta = deltas (i);

Now inside the loop, we perform a three-parameter fit for the current value of $\delta$. This is done by first computing shifted_g_even, which is the current ``guess'' at Ca (t) (see equation 12). Note that the shifted activity is computed from g_even, which at this point contains $\bar g (t)$, the dispersion-corrected blood data (equation 13).
   shifted_g_even = lookup ((ts_even-delta), g_even, ts_even);
   g_select = find (~isnan (shifted_g_even));

Now perform the fit. The function delaycorrect encapsulates the entire fitting procedure into one function; this is equivalent to having one user-supplied function that evaluates the function to minimize, and another function (such as fmins) to iteratively evaluate and minimize this function. However, because this method of delay correction was found to be extremely slow, delaycorrect was written entirely in C as a special case.

   final = delaycorrect (init, ...
                         shifted_g_even(g_select), ...
                         ts_even(g_select), ...
                         A, FrameTimes, FrameLengths);

Save the fit results ($\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$) and compute the residual (sum of the squares of the differences between the data points and points on the fitted curve) for this value of $\delta$. (fit_b_curve simply calls b_curve to compute the right-hand-side of equation 11, the ``blood curve,'' for the current values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, and $\delta$, at each mid-frame time. Then, it finds the differences between this and the points on the PET activity curve A, and returns the sum of the squares of these differences. This is saved to the vector rss.
   params (i,:) = final;
   rss(i) = fit_b_curve (final, ...
              shifted_g_even(g_select), ts_even(g_select), ...
              A, FrameTimes, FrameLengths);

Finally, we re-use the current values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$ as initial values for the next fit and end the for loop.
   init = final;
end      % for delta

At this point, we have a vector of residual sums of squares (a single number estimating the goodness-of-fit for each value of $\delta$). To select the ``winning'' $\delta$, we simply find the minimum of this vector.
[err, where] = min (rss);
delta = deltas (where);

Now that we have a value for delta, perform the actual delay correction (shift the blood data). We must also remove NaN's from the new data. These appear if lookup cannot perform a lookup at a point (i.e., there is no corresponding point in the table). They will therefore occur at the end points, where ts_even does not span (ts_even-delta).
Ca_even = lookup ((ts_even-delta), g_even, ts_even);

nuke = find(isnan(Ca_even));
Ca_even(nuke) = [];

And finally, make new_ts_even a truncated copy of ts_even that fits Ca_even and reflects the loss of information due to resampling at the very end of the data.
new_ts_even = ts_even;
new_ts_even(nuke) = [];

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Mark Wolforth <>
Greg Ward <>
Sean Marrett <>