Alexis Machado, Ph.D. Candidate


He received a Bachelor degree and a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from Polytech Marseille (France) in 2008. Then he pursued his graduate studies in Laboratoire d’Imagerie Optique et Moléculaire (LIOM) under Dr. Lesage Frederic and obtained his Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) in 2010. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at McGill University. His research is supported by Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), Fonds de Recherche Nature et Technologies Québec (FQRNT), and Rogue Research Company (Montréal).

Contact Info

  • Multimodal Functional Imaging Laboratory
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering , McGill University
  • Address: 332 Duff Medical Building, 3775 rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4, Canada
  • Phone: (514) 398–1678
  • Fax: (514) 398–7461
  • Email:
  • Homepage:

Research Interests

My general interests are in the field of neurosciences and neurology, and especially in developing methodologies to better understand the link between bioelectrical neuronal activity and hemodynamic processes, the so-called neurovascular coupling. Whereas Electro-EncephaloGraphy (EEG) measures on the scalp bioelectrical activity generated by populations of cortical neurons, functional Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a new technique, which allows the measurement of hemodynamic brain responses associated with neural activity. fNIRS exploits brain absorption properties of infrared light through optic fibers placed on the scalp. The objective of my Ph.D is to use simultaneous recordings of EEG/fNIRS to characterize the neurovascular coupling in cortical regions at the time of spontaneous epileptic discharges detected using EEG.

  • Supervisor: Christophe Grova Ph.D.
  • Co-supervisor: Kobayashi Eliane MD., Ph.D.


Journal articles

Roberta Vasta, Antonio Cerasa, Vera Gramigna, Antonio Augimeri, Giuseppe Olivadese, Giovanni Pellegrino, Iolanda Martino, Alexis Machado, Zhengchen Cai, Manuela Caracciolo, Christophe Grova, Aldo Quattrone, “The movement time analyser task investigated with functional near infrared spectroscopy: an ecologic approach for measuring hemodynamic response in the motor system”, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (2016), doi:10.1007/s40520–016–0566-x

Machado A, Marcotte O, Lina J, Kobayashi E, Grova C; “Optimal optode montage on electroencephalography/functional near-infrared spectroscopy caps dedicated to study epileptic discharges”, J. Biomed. Opt., 2014; 0001;19(2):026010.

Machado A., Lina J.M., Tremblay J., Lassonde M., Nguyen D.K., Lesage F. and Grova C, “Detection of Hemodynamic Responses to Epileptic Activity using Simultaneous Electro-EncephaloGraphy (EEG)/Near Infra Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) Acquisitions”, Neuroimage, 2011:56(1):114–25

Conference abstracts

Machado A., Marcotte O., Pellegrino G., Lina J.M., Kobayashi E., Grova C. Diffuse optical tomography using optimal optode montage dedicated to study epileptic discharges. Proc of the fNIRS organization, Montreal 2014, (accepted for poster).

Pellegrino G., Machado A., Watanabe S., Drouin N., Allard L., Lina J.M., Hall J., Kobayashi E., Grova C. Simultaneous EEG-NIRS guided by MEEG and EEG-fMRI to assess the neurovascular coupling in focal epilepsy: a new, non-invasive, multimodal approach. Proc of the fNIRS organization, Montreal 2014 (accepted for oral presentation).

Pellegrino G., Machado A., Watanabe S., Drouin N., Allard L., Lina J.M., Hall J., Kobayashi E., Grova C. Simultaneous EEG-NIRS guided by MEEG and EEG-fMRI to assess the neurovascular coupling in focal epilepsy: a new, non-invasive, multimodal approach. Proc. of American Epilepsy Society, Seattle 2014, (accepted for poster).

Machado A., Rosenberg D., Lina J.M., Kobayashi E. and Grova C. Estimation of hemodynamic responses to epileptic activity using EEG/NIRS acquisitions. Proceedings of Human Brain Mapping 2011, Quebec, (accepted for poster)

Machado A., Lina J.M., Lesage F. and Grova C. Detection of hemodynamic responses to epileptic activity using EEG/NIRS simultaneous acquisitions. Proc. of American Epilepsy Society, Boston 2009, (accepted for poster)

Kahlaoui K., Demers C., Machado A., Lesage F., Ska B. and Joanette Y. Cerebral oxygenation changes in the aging brain: Effects of education. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 18–23 juin 2009, San Francisco, USA.

Kahlaoui K., Demers C., Machado A., Lesage F., Ska B. and Joanette Y. L’impact de la scolarité sur la dynamique inter-hémisphérique au cours du vieillissement utilisant l’imagerie optique. Journées de printemps 2009 de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), 21–22 mai, Montréal, Canada.

Kahlaoui K., Demers C., Machado A., Lesage F., Ska B. and Joanette Y. Effects of education on hemispheric dynamics of semantic processing in the aging brain. Annual Meeting of Academy of Aphasia, 19–21 octobre 2008, Turku, Finland

Demers C., Kahlaoui K., Machado A., Lesage F., Ska B. and Joanette Y. Effet de la scolarité sur le traitement sémantique des mots au cours du vieillissement : Apport de l’imagerie optique. Journée scientifique conjointe CRIUGM/CAREC, 24–25 avril 2008, Montréal, Canada.